Hi everyone,

My program is crashing on taking input of alpha-numeric and store it in char[]. I don't know why, please anyone help !

sample input : C9H8O4MgOH

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

bool hydroxide(char[]);

int main()
    char formula[] = "";

    cout<<"Enter chemical formula : ";
    cin >> formula;

        cout<<"\nFormula ends with sub-string OH"<<endl;
        cout<<"\nFormula does not ends with sub-string OH"<<endl;

    cout<<"\nProgram terminated !"<<endl;

    return 0;

bool hydroxide(char formula[])
    char *ptr1, *ptr2;

    ptr1 = strrchr(formula, 'O');
    ptr2 = strrchr(formula, 'H');

    cout<<"O index : "<<ptr1-formula <<endl;
    cout<<"H index : "<<ptr2-formula <<endl;

    //second last character is O and last character is H it returns true
    if(ptr1-formula == strlen(formula)-2 && ptr2-formula == strlen(formula)-1)
        return true;

    return false;

}   //end of hydroxide()

Everything works fine, but at the end program crashes and shows message that hyroxide.exe has stopped working.

When you don't specify the size of an array, the size is inferred from the initializer. So when you write int arr[] = {1,2,3}, that's the same as int arr[3] = {1,2,3}. Likewise char formula[] = {'\0'} is the same as char formula[1] = {'\0'} and equivalently char fomula[] = "" is the same as char formaula[1] = "".

So you're defining an array of size one. You're then writing into that array using cin >> formula. This will write more than one character into the array, meaning you're writing out of bounds. This invokes undefined behavior, possibly overwriting other variables' memory and/or causing a crash.

thanks for prompt reply sepp2k. Please tell me, we can assign string to char pointer like :

 char *str = "This is a string.";

but we can't access any character from char pointer with loop like str[0]. str[0] prints the whole string till last character.

How can i apply strrchr() function to find sub-string "OH" from end of string.

but we can't access any character from char pointer with loop like str[0]. str[0] prints the whole string till last character.

That's not true. str[0] will give you the character 'T' in your example, str[1] will give you 'h' and so on.

for C++ use std::string a instead. And instead of strlen use a.size(), to parse the data from the string,
use a.substr(int index, int noOfBytes)

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