The ticket counter program looks fine, but I have ran into a different problem.
It is regarding about the transaction class (lines 64 - 110).
After I input the number of tickets to print out, it will register to the transaction class. But when I want to view the transaction once, the total quantity shown is normal. When viewed twice, the quantity will double or increment.
import java.util.*;
class Transport
protected double price; // Price per person for each transport
protected int seatsRemaining; // Number of seats remaining for each transport
public double getPrice() {
return price;
public int getSeatsRemaining() {
return seatsRemaining;
public void setSeatsRemaining (int seatsRemaining)
this.seatsRemaining = seatsRemaining;
class Train extends Transport
int numTrainTickets;
price = 38;
seatsRemaining = 120;
void printTickets()
seatsRemaining -= numTrainTickets;
class Bus extends Transport
int numBusTickets;
price = 25;
seatsRemaining = 42;
void printTickets()
seatsRemaining -= numBusTickets;
class Taxi extends Transport
int numTaxiTickets;
price = 60;
seatsRemaining = 4;
void printTickets()
seatsRemaining -= numTaxiTickets;
class Transaction
int totalTrainTickets = 0;
int totalBusTickets = 0;
int totalTaxiTickets = 0;
int trTickets, bTickets, txTickets;
double totalTrainPrice = 0;
double totalBusPrice = 0;
double totalTaxiPrice = 0;
double totalPrice = 0;
int addTrainTickets() // getter (total train tickets)
return totalTrainTickets += trTickets;
int addBusTickets() // getter (total bus tickets)
return totalBusTickets += bTickets;
int addTaxiTickets() // getter (total taxi tickets)
return totalTaxiTickets += txTickets;
double totalTR() // getter
return totalTrainPrice = 38.00 * totalTrainTickets;
double totalB() // getter
return totalBusPrice = 25.00 * totalBusTickets;
double totalTX() // getter
return totalTaxiPrice = 60.00 * totalTaxiTickets;
double totalP() // getter
return totalPrice = totalTrainPrice + totalBusPrice + totalTaxiPrice;
public class Ticket_Counter
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
int numSelect;
int transportSelect;
Train train = new Train();
Bus bus = new Bus();
Taxi taxi = new Taxi();
Transaction t = new Transaction();
+ "\n1. Print tickets"
+ "\n2. View transaction"
+ "\n3. Exit");
System.out.print("Select (1 - 3): ");
numSelect = scan.nextInt();
} while (numSelect < 1 || numSelect > 3);
switch (numSelect)
case 1:
System.out.println("\nSelect transport:"
+ "\n1. Train"
+ "\n2. Bus"
+ "\n3. Taxi"
+ "\n4. Exit");
System.out.print("Select (1 - 4): ");
transportSelect = scan.nextInt();
} while (transportSelect < 1 || transportSelect > 4);
if (transportSelect == 1)
trainTickets(train, t);
else if (transportSelect == 2)
busTickets(bus, t);
else if (transportSelect == 3)
taxiTickets(taxi, t);
case 2:
} while (numSelect != 3);
public static void trainTickets(Train train, Transaction t)
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
int numTrainTickets; // Number of train tickets to print
System.out.println("Price: $" + train.getPrice() + "/person");
System.out.println("Number of seats remaining: " + train.getSeatsRemaining());
System.out.println("How many train tickets do you want to print out?");
System.out.print("Number of tickets: ");
numTrainTickets = scan.nextInt();
while (numTrainTickets > train.getSeatsRemaining())
System.out.println("The number of tickets you've entered has exceeded the number of seats remaining.");
System.out.print("Number of tickets: ");
numTrainTickets = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("\nThe total charge is $" + train.getPrice()*numTrainTickets );
train.numTrainTickets = numTrainTickets;
t.trTickets = numTrainTickets;
public static void busTickets(Bus bus, Transaction t)
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
int numBusTickets; // Number of bus tickets to print
System.out.println("Price: $" + bus.getPrice() + "/person");
System.out.println("Number of seats remaining: " + bus.getSeatsRemaining());
System.out.println("How many bus tickets do you want to print out?");
System.out.print("Number of tickets: ");
numBusTickets = scan.nextInt();
while (numBusTickets > bus.getSeatsRemaining())
System.out.println("The number of tickets you've entered has exceeded the number of seats remaining.");
System.out.print("Number of tickets: ");
numBusTickets = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("\nThe total charge is $" + bus.getPrice()*numBusTickets );
bus.numBusTickets = numBusTickets;
t.bTickets = numBusTickets;
public static void taxiTickets(Taxi taxi, Transaction t)
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
int numTaxiTickets; // Number of bus tickets to print
System.out.println("Price: $" + taxi.getPrice() + "/person");
System.out.println("Number of seats remaining: " + taxi.getSeatsRemaining());
System.out.println("How many taxi tickets do you want to print out?");
System.out.print("Number of tickets: ");
numTaxiTickets = scan.nextInt();
while (numTaxiTickets > taxi.getSeatsRemaining())
System.out.println("The number of tickets you've entered has exceeded the number of seats remaining.");
System.out.print("Number of tickets: ");
numTaxiTickets = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("\nThe total charge is $" + taxi.getPrice()*numTaxiTickets );
t.txTickets = numTaxiTickets;
public static void transaction(Transaction t)
System.out.println("TODAY'S TRANSACTIONS");
System.out.println(" T.QTY T.PRICE");
System.out.println("Train tickets\t: " + t.addTrainTickets() + " x $38.00 = $" + t.totalTR());
System.out.println("Bus tickets\t: " + t.addBusTickets() + " x $25.00 = $" + t.totalB());
System.out.println("Taxi tickets\t: " + t.addTaxiTickets() + " x $60.00 = $" + t.totalTX());
System.out.println("\t\t TOTAL PRICE: $" + t.totalP());