Hi everyone;
I got no idea how to start this and if it is possible;
I have a text file (.txt) that have lot of lines and I want it to transfer it in Excel (.xlsx / CSV)
But not all will be transfer in excel, only a specific number (array);
Example Text File:
AUG.02, 2015
SMPH01 RPMM 020000
AAXX 02001
98132 31462 21101 10293 20264 40145 53020 70540 82100 33302 20255 56399 59004 82817 ='01
rh93/76 rmks 255 2am, fe.
98133 31467 20902 10300 20270 40109 5//// 70544 82200 222// 20501 33301 20255 56299 58002
82818 MJ. RMK.RH=90/80 MIN.=25.5 8AM
98134 32465 21002 10287 20253 39928 40114 53013 82200 33301 20250 56999 58002 82819 ='12
max=305@0600z min=250@1800z rh=87/79 MP
98222 31570 10201 10284 20242 40114 51007 70544 81200 33301 20249 56999 59002 81820 ='01
occurance of min. Temp. 2210z ca
As you can see it is delimited (space);
I want to get some specific numbers; and some will be ignored;
Line 1 to 3 will be ignored;
I get number in line 4,6,7,8,10;
It will be look like this; xlsx / CSV :
1 98 132 3 146 7 054 8 210 20255 82817
2 98 133 3 146 7 054 8 220 20255 82818
3 98 134 3 246 5 301 8 220 20250 82819
Column = Col
Col A always start in 98
Col B the three numbers beside the 98
Col C first number in second cell (ex. 98132 3 1462)
Col D second cell 3 numbers included (ex. 98132 3 146 2)
Col E cell 8, first number (ex. 7 0540)
Col F cell 8, 3 numbers included (ex. 7 054 0)
Col G cell 9, first number (ex. 8 2100)
Col H cell 9, 3 numbers included (ex. 8 210 0)
Col I is will be pretending to the number which is start 333, in my example above (ex. 33302 then Col I will be 20255) the 333 number will be the clue where I will be appear.
Col J will be ignore the 2 cell after Col I, refering in the example above (ex. 20255 56399 59004 82817) 56399 and 59004 will be ignored and Col J will be 82817
Another problem is in (Col J line 2) 82818 is in the next line of the text file.
Please help me, and having explanations will be more understandable.
Thank you and God Bless;