I am trying to build this game. what i have been trying to build for a long time now. it is a multiplication java game that need random numbers to generate
it goes like this
difficulty level-easy: this difficulty level easy has 3 rounds. the student must be tested on 4 random question from the 2 times table (round 1) 4 random question from the 3 times table (round 2) and 4 random question from the 4 times table(round3) every time the game is launched it must generate different random questons for each round.
here it what i have so far but it is not the correct because it is generation something different

        String welcomemsg;
        int count =0;
        int timestable, user1age, user2age;
        int chances=0; // depend on the number of chances given
        int corrans = 0; // to hold all of the correct answer
        int scores = 0; // to keep track of the scores made in the game
        int wrongans =0; // to hold the number of wrong answer entered
        int count_leveleasy = 0; // which level of the game the user choose to play
        int count_levelmedium =0; // which level of the game the user choose to play
        int count_levelhard = 0; // which level of the game the user choose to play
        int passmark = 50;
        int userans =0, correct = 0;
        int product =0, random1= 0, random2 = 0, problem =1;
        String choice;
        int b1value = 0,d1value = 0;
        int ans;

        // introduction and rules of the game to the players
        System.out.println("Hi everyone, welcome to Aunty Bae Multiplication quiz!!!!!!!");
        System.out.println("Here is where you learn your multiplication table");
        System.out.println("Rules of the games");
        System.out.println("Student should be between the ages of 6 to 12 years old");
        System.out.println("Each student are given three chances each");
        System.out.println("the game will be forfeited if the criteria doesnt met");


        //a while loop prompting the user to enter which level they choose to play
        while(count_leveleasy == 'E' || count_leveleasy == 'e' || count_levelmedium == 'M' || count_levelmedium == 'm' || count_levelhard == 'H' || count_levelhard == 'h')
          System.out.println("what level of the game would like to start with");//here it is aking the user to enter the level they want to play
        //here it is aking for the user1 name and age
        System.out.println("Hi user1 can you tell me what is your name");
        String user1name = userinput.next();
        System.out.println("you have such a beautiful and unique name");
        System.out.println("Hi user1 can you tell me how old are you"  + "\t" + user1name);
        user1age = userinput.nextInt();

       //this while loop is for in case the user enter the wrong age
        while(user1age < 6 || user1age > 12)
            if(user1age < 6 || user1age > 12)
            System.out.println("boom bang!!!, no honey you cannot play this game " + user1name);
            System.out.println("you have reach the age to play so come play " + user1name);
         //asking for user2 name and age
        System.out.println("Hi user2 can you tell me what is your name");
        String user2name = userinput.next();
        System.out.println("how come you have such a unique name");
        System.out.println("Hi user2 can you tell me what is your age" +"\t" + user2name);
        user2age = userinput.nextInt();

        //this while is in case the user also enter the wrong age
        while(user2age > 6 || user2age > 12)
          if(user2age < 6 || user2age >12)
           System.out.println("no sweetheart you simply cannot play " + user2name);
           System.out.println("okay honey you can play, let play " + user2name);
          //this while loop use for the both players enter the wrong age

          while(user1age < 6 || user1age > 12 && user2age > 6 || user2age > 12)
            System.out.println("user1  what is your age again" + "\t" + user1name);
            user1age = userinput.nextInt();

            System.out.println("user2 now tell me, how old are you again" +"\t"+ user2name);
            user2age = userinput.nextInt();

            System.out.println("wow!!! nah man come on!! tell me that the both of you dont know the age requirement!!! you just can't play");

            System.out.println("please send in more players or can you both re-enter your age");

          //this is asking both users to enter the correct age
          while (user1age > 6 || user1age <12 || user2age > 6 || user2age < 12)
            System.out.println("user1 now correct me if I am wrong, tell me your age again" + "\t"+user1name);
            user1age = userinput.nextInt();

            System.out.println("user2 sigh, how old are you again" +"\t"+ user2name);
            user2age = userinput.nextInt();

            System.out.println("phew!!!! now we are getting somewhere!!!! let's see if we can get this thing going ");

            System.out.println("let me welcome the both of you to the game!!!!!!");
            System.out.println(" welcome, user1 to " + "round 1" + "count_leveleasy " + user1name);

            Random randobj = new Random();
            int digit1 = randobj.nextInt(2);
            int digit2 = randobj.nextInt(2);

            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                 ans = digit1 * digit2;
                System.out.println("how much is %d times?\n" + digit1 + digit2);

            if(userans == (digit1 * digit2))
                scores += 100;
                System.out.println("\nincorrect, try again");
                scores = -25;

            if (scores != passmark)
                System.out.println("sorry honey, you cant move to the next leve; ");

            else if(passmark == 50)
                System.out.println("you can now move to the next level");

        here is the output
Hi everyone, welcome to Aunty Bae Multiplication quiz!!!!!!!
Here is where you learn your multiplication table
Rules of the games
Student should be between the ages of 6 to 12 years old
Each student are given three chances each
the game will be forfeited if the criteria doesnt met
Hi user1 can you tell me what is your name
you have such a beautiful and unique name
Hi user1 can you tell me how old are you    g
boom bang!!!, no honey you cannot play this game g
Hi user2 can you tell me what is your name
how come you have such a unique name
Hi user2 can you tell me what is your age   f
no sweetheart you simply cannot play f
user1  what is your age again   g
user2 now tell me, how old are you again    f
wow!!! nah man come on!! tell me that the both of you dont know the age requirement!!! you just can't play
please send in more players or can you both re-enter your age
user1 now correct me if I am wrong, tell me your age again  g
user2 sigh, how old are you again   f
phew!!!! now we are getting somewhere!!!! let's see if we can get this thing going 
let me welcome the both of you to the game!!!!!!
 welcome, user1 to round 1count_leveleasy g
how much is %d times?
how much is %d times?
how much is %d times?
how much is %d times?

sorry honey, you cant move to the next leve; 
okay honey you can play, let play f
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 22 seconds)

? That reads the wrong way round...
If you do not set a seed then the Random() constructor picks one - eg current time in mSec - so two runs will provide different sequences.
If you set a seed and it's the the same, then you will get the same sequence.

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