Hello I have created a installer package of my project build in Visual Basic 6.0. I have using Advance Installer for making package. every thing works perfectly on other systems but a minor problem in my project i am facing which is very hard for me to resolve is I am getting Run time error 372 when printing report i got this error every time on non vb6 computers (windows 7 64-bit etc)

Run-time error '372':
Failed to load control 'DataReport' from C: \ WINDOWS \ SysWOW64 \ Msdbrptr.dll. Your version of the C: \ WINDOWS \ SysWOW64 \ Msdbrptr.dll may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control That was provided with your application.

I am using version of msdbrptr.dll and project is based on VB6 with Data report and MS Access.
I have already included MSStdFmt.dll in the package

I don't know how to quick fix this issue please help me to resolve this issue

yes i tried this solution but not working

Remember this error has been kicking around since about 2002. https://www.google.com/search?q=Run-time+error+%27372%27%3A+Failed+to+load+control+%27DataReport%27+from+C%3A++WINDOWS++SysWOW64++Msdbrptr.dll.+Your+version+of+the+C%3A++WINDOWS++SysWOW64++M&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

OK, I still think it's permissions or maybe your VB6 isn't all patched up to SP6. I can't do that work for you.

Story from last week here. I have this legacy VB6 app from 2005 that a new programmer thought they would update. They had all sorts of questions and most vanished after 2 things.
1. They installed VB6 SP6.
2. They installed while logged on as that user.

Yes they had no clue to the all users install options and as they were not paying I didn't do much past this as it worked.

I have updated my vb6 to service Pack 6 but the problem is still there even
i unlocked Administrator account on other pc to setup it properly as i have the Administrator account on my dev machine but still runtime error 372 with MSDBRPTR.dll error
What to do now please help

Stumper at this point. There are priors on this error all pointing to same. Sounds like it's time for the boss to hand you the credit card.


I just tried with VB's Package and Deployment Wizard and installed the package on other PC and it works like a charm. Now just a little help need from you if you could guide me
or any tutorial to follow that
How is it possible if i make the same working thing with Advance Installer?

I have been there before and ended up writing a .bat file to a) move some files to the correct directories and b) register some controls(before by hand via cmd). This fixed the problems. Here is a complete quote from superuser:
download from Microsoft this tool for Exchange 2000, that incidentally is a VB6 program redistributed with msstdfmt.dll
run the program, extracting its contents to a folder of your choice
copy msstdfmt.dll to c:\windows\system32 if running on 32 bit OS or to c:\windows\syswow64 if running on a 64 bit OS
open a command prompt (cmd.exe) with administrator privileges
in the prompt type on 32 bit OS
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\msstdfmt.dll
or on 64 bit OS
regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\msstdfmt.dll
I also checked out on win98 (vitual machine) where files got installed. This way you can see where troubling files should be. Last word, do a rewrite with vb.net, using the latest free version to avoid all these troubles in the future.

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