JohnT1 0 Newbie Poster


I created a small windows service in, intended to run on a MS Windows server 2012, which uses the EventLog.WriteEntry Method to write entries to a custom log file.
All works as intended, however, I am wondering if there would be a better way to write to the event log other than following these steps for each section of code that executed:
1st - the declaring and setting a variable:

    Dim myMessage As String = "Try\catch exception triggered for archiving n the test.log"

2nd - defining the severity level:

Dim myEventLogEntryType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error

3rd - defining the event id:

Dim myApplicatinEventId As Integer = 300

4th - definign the task category:

Dim myApplicatinCategoryId As Short = 3

5th - finally writting all to the log file:

EventLog12.WriteEntry(myMessage, myEventLogEntryType, myApplicatinEventId, myApplicatinCategoryId)

Down below is a small portion of the source code:

                'Checking the file size of if more than 500Mb proceed with file deletion
                Dim fileTooLarge As New FileInfo("E:\")
                  If fileTooLarge.Exists Then
                    Dim sizeInBytes As Long = fileTooLarge.Length
                      If sizeInBytes > 500000000 Then
                        'Log message
                        Dim myMessage As String = "The E:\ file reached its max size, the file was deleted"
                        Dim myEventLogEntryType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Information
                        Dim myApplicationEventId As Integer = 100
                        Dim myApplicationCategoryId As Short = 1
                        EventLog12.WriteEntry(myMessage, myEventLogEntryType, myApplicationEventId, myApplicationCategoryId)
                    End If

                End If
                'Log message
                Dim myMessage As String = "Try\catch exception triggered for deleting the E:\ file reached its max size"
                Dim myEventLogEntryType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error
                Dim myApplicatinEventId As Integer = 300                                                                
                Dim myApplicatinCategoryId As Short = 3
                EventLog12.WriteEntry(myMessage, myEventLogEntryType, myApplicatinEventId, myApplicatinCategoryId)
            End Try

            Dim newFile As String = "E:\test.log"

                Dim zipPath As String = "E:\"
                If File.Exists(newFile) Then
                    Using archive As ZipArchive = ZipFile.Open(zipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Update)
                    archive.CreateEntryFromFile(newFile, "test-" & Format(Date.Now, "mmddyy-hhmmss") & ".log", CompressionLevel.Optimal)
                        'Log message
                        Dim myMessage As String = "The test.log file has been added to the E:\ file"
                        Dim myEventLogEntryType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Information
                        Dim myApplicationEventId As Integer = 100
                        Dim myApplicationCategoryId As Short = 1
                        EventLog12.WriteEntry(myMessage, myEventLogEntryType, myApplicationEventId, myApplicationCategoryId)
                    End Using

                    'Log message
                    Dim myMessage As String = "The test.log file in the E:\test folder was not present to be zipped"
                                    Dim myEventLogEntryType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Warning
                    Dim myApplicationEventId As Integer = 200
                    Dim myApplicationCategoryId As Short = 2
                    EventLog12.WriteEntry(myMessage, myEventLogEntryType, myApplicationEventId, myApplicationCategoryId)

                End If
                'Log message
                Dim myMessage As String = "Try\catch exception triggered for archiving n the test.log"
                Dim myEventLogEntryType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error
                Dim myApplicatinEventId As Integer = 300                                                                  
                Dim myApplicatinCategoryId As Short = 3
                EventLog12.WriteEntry(myMessage, myEventLogEntryType, myApplicatinEventId, myApplicatinCategoryId)
            End Try

If there would be a better approach other than writing out this section over and over again, that would be great:

Dim myEventLogEntryType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error
                    Dim myApplicatinEventId As Integer = 300                                                                  
                    Dim myApplicatinCategoryId As Short = 3
                    EventLog12.WriteEntry(myMessage, myEventLogEntryType, myApplicatinEventId, myApplicatinCategoryId)

Thank you,

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