
I've created and published a program. I've also installed this onto my computer. I want to set it up now to run via the Window Task Scheduler. However I need to locate the executable file to start the run. However I'm unable to find it using the name of my program. Doing a search via Windows Explorer returns the files used to develop the program. Once I installed it I assumed I'd find a folder and ".exe" file in the "Program Files" or the "Program Files (x86)" folders. But it's not there. Is there a secret to finding this? How or where should I look?

As always, thanks for your assistance.


The application is in the folder you specified when you published it. The default folder is in the project folder. However, it is not an exe file. It is a .application file. The description should say ClickOnce Application. There should also be a shortcut in the Start Menu, with the rest of your installed apps. If you browse from the Run applet, make sure and change the filter to *.* All Files.

Don't know how you did your installation. But you will find the .exe file in the Release folder inside the bin folder of your project.


The "Release" folder inside the "bin" folder is empty. I've attached a picture of the search results for the "One Click Application". I have multiple including the shortcut that is on my desktop. I've not been able to get the shortcut to run via the Task Scheduler (it will work by manually clicking it). Could any of the pictured be the actual .exe file?


As always, thanks for the help.


How are you trying to run it through Task Manager?

What folder are you publishing it too?

The properties of the shortcut on your deskitop should show you the executable targeted by the shortcut.

Did you set your solution configuration from debug to release before publishing?

Dear oh dear,
why don't you go to control panel -> uninstall a program and check if the file actually installed. There you can also search for the date of the installation of the program if it installed.

when we make installer in .net the primary output file is in the application folder where software will be install , so you can easily find in the folder where you install your software.

Minimalist, the program is installed. It is listed in the Programs and Features listing with all the installed applications.

I am trying to run this through the Task Manager. The shortcut lists the path as "C:\Users\donacwil\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Starwood Hotels and Resorts". When I go to that spot, the application is another shortcut. The path on that indicates the same place.

(ddanbe) Did you set your solution configuration from debug to release before publishing? I'm not sure how to answer this as this is the first app I've built. See the attached for the settings.

When I publish something I always set this from Debug to Release

I then use the Publish item in the Build menu

A wizard opens to guide me trough the process. Hope it helps.

O.K. I just tried this process with one of my small programs. Click once applications don't create an exe file and they install into the user profile directory. However, if you goto start you should find your application there. Right mouse click gives you the option to se the properties. From there you can save the path and copy it into the task scheduler. Here are some links that will explain this in more detail.
Also be aware using schduler on a network reuires admin rights.

Minamalist, I did as you've suggest (or I think I did). Is this what you were suggesting (see the picture attached)? Capture.PNG

Unfortunately I don't have a dropdown that allows me to publish directly from here. I've see and both a "Publishing Folder" and an "Installation Folder URL" in the Publish tab. Is there something I should be setting different there (see the attached 2nd picture)? Restran_Solutions.PNG

The publishing folder is where you put the setup.exe file. So a folder on the desktop will do. If you did read the links you will have found out that with the express edition you cannot easily determine the folder where your program installs. Another way is to go to the debug folder where you program is putting the files when you run from the development. There you should find a file where under type it says application. Click on this one and when it runs you can move it to the dektop, rename it with an exe extension and than move it where ever you want.

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