Dear friends:

 I need to use a data structure which can start the first index of an array from a nagtive value. 
      I have searched the MTL library, and bltiz lib, but it seems  that they doesn't support this kind of vecotr.
        Could you please give me some suggestions.

One way would be with a custom class to represent the collection. Use a vector as the base collection, then overload the index operator to accept a negative value and offset it to find the correct positive value in the base collection.

Here's what such a class might look like:

class myCollection {
    vector<int> a;
    int _offset;
        offset = 0;
    myCollection(size_t size, int offset = 0)
        _offset = offset;
    myCollection(int offset = 0)
        _offset = offset;
    size_t size()
        return a.size();
    int& operator[] (int x) 
        return a[x + offset];

It still need functions for adding and removing data.

great thank you very much for you r kinely help

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