hey , I'm at unhandled error. if you can give me help I apreciate it :)

when I run software it say "connection already open". I find all, but I can't find.

 If Len(Trim(txtloanids.Text)) < 4 Then
            MessageBox.Show("Please Check Custormer ID", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        query = "SELECT * FROM mcs.loan WHERE loan_id ='" & txtloanids.Text & "'"
        Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand(query, con)
        Dim dr As MySqlDataReader
            dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
            If (dr.HasRows) Then
                While (dr.Read())
                    Me.txtcustormeridls.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("custormer_id"))
                    Me.txtcustormernamels.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("custormer_name"))
                    Me.txtcreditamounts.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(dr("credit_amount"))
                    Me.txtinterestrates.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(dr("interest_rate"))
                    Me.txtperiods.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("period"))
                    Me.txtinterestforcredits.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(dr("interest_for_credit"))
                    Me.txttotalamounts.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("total_amount"))
                    Me.txtdailyinstallments.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("daily_installment"))
                    Me.txtloandates.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dr("loan_date"))
                    Me.txttotalamountls.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("total_amount"))
                    Me.Label105.Text = Convert.ToString(dr("loan_status"))
                End While
                query = "SELECT sum(Amount) as sumam FROM mcs.income WHERE Loan_ID ='" & txtloanids.Text & "'"
                Dim cmd1 = New MySqlCommand(query, con)
                Dim dr1 As MySqlDataReader
                dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
                While dr1.Read()
                    Me.txtreceivedls.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1("sumam"))
                End While
                'Catch ex As Exception
                ' MsgBox(ex.Message)
                MsgBox("This Laon Still Not Yet Received Any Settlment")
                    If (con.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then
                    End If
                Catch ex2 As Exception
                End Try
                'End Try
                MessageBox.Show("Search Loan With Another Loan ID", "This Loan Does Not Exist")
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
                If (con.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then
                End If
            Catch ex1 As Exception
            End Try
        End Try
        txtarrearsls.Text = Val(txttotalamountls.Text) - Val(txtreceivedls.Text)

You could try a Finally clause which is executed whether or not an error occurs.

    'don't do the con.Close here
Catch ex As Exception
    'don't do the con.Close here either
    If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
    End If
End Try
commented: Good habit to close a connection object at the end of a proceedure/function. +7

Is con one and only one connection object in your project and already opened it at the time of starting of your application ? If it is, don't open it in every procedure or function because you already opened it at the time of your application has started and close it when you are trying to close your application. (Not recommanded)
If you declared a proceedure lavel connection object and already opened it, don't try to open it another time in that proceedure or if you want to open it further more try to close it first then open it and at the end of that proceedure always try to close it.

Reverend Jim has already give you a lesson how could you use it.

thank you both you sir :)
I had overcame from problem

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