I need a ArrayList of Entertainment objects of some size. Then I need a menu that searches, adds, deletes, prints, and lastly quits this is a loop. I need the user to choose between Movie or TVShow my other classes to pass over to my constructors. Each menu option needs to be its own methods so I can't do a switch. Whatever the user puts in needs to go to a text file. I don't know where to begin anyhelp would be appreciated! My other classes

/*Create a TVShow class that also extends Entertainment.
Give it some attributes and methods.  This should be in its own TVShow.java file.
This class represents one television show, so give it any attributes and methods
needed to describe a single television show (for example, dayOfTheWeek).
Give this class a toString method to properly be able to print a TVShow title and dayOfTheWeek.
Hint: make sure its constructor calls super to pass a title up to Entertainment.*/

      public class TVShow extends Entertainment{

       private String dayOfTheWeek = "sunday";
       private String name = "Game of Thrones";

       public void set

dayOfTheWeeek(String dayOfTheWeek){
             this.dayOfTheWeek = dayOfTheWeek;

    }     public void setName(String name){
             this.name = name;
          public String getdayOfTheWeek(){
             return dayOfTheWeek;

    }    public String getName(){
             return name;

    }    public String toString(){
             //this.dayOfTheWeek = day;
            // this.name = n;
            // String day = new String("The name of the show is: " + n + "and airs on: " + day);
              //System.out.println("The dog is a: " + br + " and it's name is: "+ n);
              return String.format("The name of the show is: ", getName(), getdayOfTheWeek());
          public TVShow(){

    }     public String Title(){
          return "Breaking Bad";


/*Create a Movie class that extends Entertainment.
Give it some attributes and methods.
This should be in its own Movie.java file.
This class represents one movie, so give it any attributes
and methods needed to describe a single movie (for example, rating).
Give this class a toString method to properly be able to print a Movie title and rating.*/
public class Movie extends Entertainment{

   private String rating = "R" ;
   private String name = "The Hateful Eight";

      public void setRating(String rating){
         this.rating = rating;

}     public void setName(String name){
         this.name = name;
      public String getRating(){
         return rating;

}     public String getName(){
         return name;
    public String toString(){
         return String.format("The name of the movie is: ", getName(), getRating());

}   public String Title(){
      return "Hunger Games";

and the last one i have is
/*Create an abstract Entertainment class.
It should store a title along with get/set methods for it and a constructor. 
This should be in its own Entertainment.java file.*/
public abstract class Entertainment{

  private String name;

   public Entertainment(){

   }  public String setTitle(String Title){
         return this.name;

}     public void getTitle(){
         this.name = name;
      public String Title(){
         return "Civil War";


Why does this look like chapter 13 of the book "Java Foundations Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures"?

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