How can i write a C++ program to implement a finite state machine (FSM) simulator.
The objective is to enable system designers to model and simulate their systems’ behavior
while still in the design phase. The simulator reads an input file which contains the FSM
description. The FSM description file contains three main sections: (1) machine name; (2)
variables section; (3) states section; and (4) a transitions section .
The sections are defined as follows:
1. The machine name section contain the machine name (which must be the same as the
file name that contains the machine (a machine called x would be stored in a file called
2. The variable section which starts with the keyword VAR followed by a list of machine
3. The states section starts with the keyword STATES: (on a separate line) followed with
state descriptions each on a separate line. Each state description starts with a state
name (e.g., a:) followed by a list of actions to be performed while the machine is in this
particular state. The state actions can be one of the following:
a. <variable> = <expression> + <expression>. Where <expression> can either
be a constant or a machine variable name.
b. out <expression> which prints out the <expression> on the display.
c. out <string> which prints out the <string> on the display.
d. sleep <amount> which causes the simulator to pause for <amount> seconds.
e. wait which causes the simulator to wait for the next transition to take place.
f. run <machine> which causes the simulator to run machine called
<machine>.fsm and the return to continue the rest of the state actions (if any).
g. end which ends the execution of the state machine.
4. The transitions section starts with the keyword TRANSITIONS: (on a separate line)
followed with transition descriptions each on a separate line. Each transition is a list of
three elements: a source state, a destination state, and the input value that causes this
transition to take place.
Sherif_3 0 Newbie Poster
rproffitt 2,693 Moderator
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