I have four array of strings. I would like to print out the strings with this formatting:
printf(" %d \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s.\n",
It gives this output:
17 func sub int 3.
17 param (null) (null) (null).
17 alloc 4 (null) xa.
17 alloc 4 (null) y.
17 alloc 4 (null) z.
17 multiply 55 y t0.
17 divide t0 z t1.
17 plus xa t1 t2.
17 plus t2 x t3.
17 func main void 0.
17 alloc 4 (null) a.
17 alloc 4 (null) b.
17 alloc 4 (null) c.
17 arg (null) (null) x.
17 arg (null) (null) y.
17 arg (null) (null) z.
17 call sub 3 t5.
17 assign t5 (null) y.
How would I go about ignoring the nulls when printing? I am not sure how to do this.