from turtle import *
import random
def allTriMedian (w=300):
speed (0)
vertices = []
point = turtle.Point(x,y)
for i in range (3):
x = random.randint(0,300)
y = random.randint(0,300)
point = turtle.Point(x,y)
triangle = turtle.Polygon(vertices)
a = triangle.side()
b = triangle.side()
c = triangle.side()
m1 = tirangle.median
m2 = triangle.median
m3 = triangle.median
I tried to put the equation directly
def Median (a, b, c):
m1 = sqrt((((2b^2)+(2c^2)-(a^2))))
m2 = sqrt((((2a^2)+(2c^2)-(b^2))))
m3 = sqrt((((2a^2)+(2b^2)-(c^2))))
Or I thought to find a midpoint and draw a line segment to connect the vertices and midpoints.
def getMid(p1,p2):
return ( (p1[0]+p2[0]) / 2, (p1[1] + p2[1]))
mid1 = Line((point(p1[0]+p2[0]) / 2),point(x))
mid2 = Line((point(p2[1]+p3[1]) / 2),point(y))