Hello, I wonder if someone wan´t to learn C++ with me on msn or here. I started with a tutorial in C++ but I got stuck, so I thougt it would be better if I learned it with someone else who also want´s to learn C++.

So if you are a newbie in C++(or whatever u call it) , you can just write a PM to me and we can mabye learn it together:D

i am a new c++ programer almost finished with the cprogramming.com guide i wouldnt mind helping you!...

Alwys feel free to post here "very friendly comunity"


I started with a tutorial in C++ but I got stuck

Post the code that you got stuck on, and ask your questions as clearly as you can state them. Lather, rinse, repeat (if necessary).

Yes I know. But the point is that I wan´t to learn C++ WITH someone that mabye also want´s to learn

Sure. Go ahead and take the long, hard path. Learning mostly with someone new, you'll likely both pick up bad habits and learn bad things to do. And synchronizing online times will be a challenge. Pokey, error prone, and problematic.

Yup, that's the approach I'd take.

It seems so much simpler than posting a question and having many eyes, and many more experience programmers, take a look at it and likely answering your questions in a quick and correct manner. This way seems to be one to avoid.

Yes I know. But the point is that I wan´t to learn C++ WITH someone that mabye also want´s to learn

thats cool BUT if there is any misunderstanding come to the webpage and POST there are REAL C++ programers around this website and can answer almost ALL your small questions as i said

~friendly community~

keep up the good work and have fun programming in C++


Sure, I'm new to C++ myself. I've been teaching it to myself for 8 hours a day for the last 2-3 weeks. I'd be glad to help if you need help catching up. PM me you MSN.

I have been learning c++ for some months myself and I would confess that i got stuck in mud once in a while.I had to struggle through and Iam still doing so knowing that going back is out of the question.I would welcome queries from you on your sojourn so far and I also know that thew daniwebfamily would be very glad to help.Good Luck.You will surely be there.

Hello, I wonder if someone wan´t to learn C++ with me on msn or here. I started with a tutorial in C++ but I got stuck, so I thougt it would be better if I learned it with someone else who also want´s to learn C++.

So if you are a newbie in C++(or whatever u call it) , you can just write a PM to me and we can mabye learn it together:D

hi sir,i wanna learn c++ from starting would u plz help me?

Sure. Go ahead and take the long, hard path. Learning mostly with someone new, you'll likely both pick up bad habits and learn bad things to do. And synchronizing online times will be a challenge. Pokey, error prone, and problematic.

Yup, that's the approach I'd take.

It seems so much simpler than posting a question and having many eyes, and many more experience programmers, take a look at it and likely answering your questions in a quick and correct manner. This way seems to be one to avoid.

i would advise that you folow daves advice and ask questions on the FORM not getting MUDDELED up in a whole bunch of junk in a begeners ideas of self knowlege but really will create bad habbits

please note that i am not trying to be rude i am trying to save you many hours in your path of learning C++


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