I need instructions on implementing a houghes circle code using android studio to an app. I do not know where to put everything and need detailed instructions on how to create the app and save it onto an android device.
iCannyUpperThreshold = 100;
iMinRadius = 20;
iMaxRadius = 400;
iAccumulator = 300;
Imgproc.HoughCircles(thresholdImage, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT,
2.0, thresholdImage.rows() / 8, iCannyUpperThreshold, iAccumulator,
iMinRadius, iMaxRadius);
if (circles.cols() > 0)
for (int x = 0; x < circles.cols(); x++)
double vCircle[] = circles.get(0,x);
if (vCircle == null)
Point pt = new Point(Math.round(vCircle[0]), Math.round(vCircle[1]));
int radius = (int)Math.round(vCircle[2]);
// draw the found circle
Core.circle(destination, pt, radius, new Scalar(0,255,0), iLineThickness);
Core.circle(destination, pt, 3, new Scalar(0,0,255), iLineThickness);