
I have been using the windows API for some time now and feel quite comfortable with it. I know for larger projects MFC is a better choice over the raw API. I've been google searching for some good tutorials on MFC but haven't really found any good ones like I found with the windows API (Johnnie's Tutorial).

If someone could point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it.


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I have been using the windows API for some time now and feel quite comfortable with it. I know for larger projects MFC is a better choice over the raw API. I've been google searching for some good tutorials on MFC but haven't really found any good ones like I found with the windows API (Johnnie's Tutorial).

If someone could point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it.


Or better still get accustomed to the dot net framework, and learn c#. You can make quick GUIs wicked fast.

Or better still get accustomed to the dot net framework, and learn c#. You can make quick GUIs wicked fast.

C# is decompilable, so it isn't really usefull for bigger projects, unless it's open-source anyway.

I have absolutely no clue about MFC tutorials, so I can't help you, sorry

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