Hi, i wasn't sure about the title of my question, hope its okay. Anyway, the program i have is suppose to read a binary file then find for specific bytes like this:
bytes1 = bytearray(b'\x41\x64\x6F\x62\x65\x20')
filename = "portrait1.dng"
with open(filename, "rb") as binaryfile:
with open("foundhex.txt", "w") as found:
found.write("File that is analysed : " + filename + "\n")
found.write("Date of analysis : " + str(today) + "\n")
while True:
read_file = bytearray(binaryfile.read(1024))
find_bytes1 = read_file.find(bytes1, 0)
if fine_bytes1 != -1:
with open("foundhex.txt", "a") as found1:
found1.write("Found 41646F626520 at : " + str(find_bytes1) + "\n")
if not read_file:
basically, it finds the bytes then writes the positions. i checked the file that is being read using a hex editor and the bytes (bytes1) that i am looking for has 12 occurences but only 9 occurences of it are "found". so now im confused. is my program not reading the entire file, thats why only 9 found? or is there something wrong with my code? as of right now im only using a 16.2mb file but later on ill be using a 8gb file. is there a difference for file sizes when reading in chunks? because i ended up changing the "size" to random numbers and found that read(901)
found 11 occurences, not only 9. haven't hit 12 yet though. Please, could someone explain this to me. thank you in advance.