broznic 0 Newbie Poster

Hi everyone,

I am having a problem with this code in VB6:

Public Function test()
    hOpen = InternetOpen("Example",  _
                                     INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, _
                                     vbNull, _
                                     vbNull, _
    REM InternetOpen goes OK
    hConnectHandle = InternetConnect(hOpen, _
                                    "", _
                                    INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, _
                                    vbNullString, _
                                    vbNullString, _
                                    INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, _
                                    0, _
   REM here I don't get error message but hConnectHandle gets value 0 and Err.LastDllError gets value 87

end function

The source code I started from is at but it is in C.

There is also another page at that seems to report similar problem bat not with InternetConnect function, it works for them.

Can anybody tell me what am I doing wrong?

Of course, I do have needed function declarations in module and there is no problem at compile time.
