I am having problems with this program.
It assembles but will not run. it will not even start - anyone see the error?
global _start
section .data
$STR00000 db "hello world",0
section .bss
$u_exitcode resd 1
section .text
extern _iwbstrcpy
extern _iwb_finish
extern _iwbprint
push rbp ; set up stack frame, must be alligned
%line 1+0 k.iwb
%line 2+0 k.iwb
mov rax, 0x0a
push rax
mov rax, 1
push rax
mov rax, 0x0d
push rax
mov rax, 1
push rax
mov rax,STR00000
push qword [rax]
mov rax, 0
push rax
mov rax, 3
push rax
call _iwbprint
add rsp,28
%line 3+0 k.iwb
xor rax,rax
mov rdx,rax
mov rax, $u_exitcode
mov rsi,rax
mov [rsi],rdx
%line 4+0 k.iwb
pop rbp
jmp _iwb_finish