Can VB6 only link to access97 but not work with accessXP?
and can i use vb6 in windowsXP?

8) I used to have the same problem too!

Before I give you suggestions, what operating system are you running?

Dim CN As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim F1 as string

CN.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\temp\db1.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
RS.Open "select * from Tablename", CN, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

F1 = Rs(0) ' first field value in the first record

Thank you,you are of great help

Can VB6 only link to access97 but not work with accessXP?
and can i use vb6 in windowsXP?

It can be, All of them! Just chhose the higher version reference of your DAO or ADO.

It can be, All of them! Just chhose the higher version reference of your DAO or ADO.

hi! can you help me about ing programming?

hi! can you help me about ing programming?

What's the problem? why don't you post it here so the people can help you...hehehe I'm not geek! I'm only a beginner:D

from vb6.0 u can connect to all versions of ACCESS.

i think i have a solution, instead of using OLEB.4.0 try changing it to OLEDB.3.51 if it works it only means that ur using a lower version of MS Office.

from vb6.0 u can connect to all versions of ACCESS.

Dear Das,
Please ask Laoli what type of Connection (DAO or ADO)
he/she has used to gain access to Access database. conspicuously
he/she is silent after starting the thread.

AV Manoharan

If dont think any one is still using DAO.
If one does he /she is simply dumb.

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