ScottishWarrior 0 Newbie Poster

Hi there.
ive been making a program to display inofrmation from a .txt file, then display this data into a linked list.
here is the code

public class LinkListTest
    protected static LinkList linkList;
    // Read the  records from txt file into an array.
    static void readFromFile ()
 // Read in a list of customers
 BufferedReader file;
 String fullName, transaction, accountNumberString, cashNumberString;
 int accountNumber, cash;
 Customer customer;
      file = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("customers.txt"));
  catch (FileNotFoundException e)
      System.out.println ("File 'customer.txt' not found.");
      return; // File was not found, listSize = 0.
  // Count number of lines in the file.
      // If fullName is null, we have reached the end of the file.
      fullName = file.readLine ();
      while (fullName != null)
   transaction = file.readLine ();
   accountNumberString = file.readLine ();
   cashNumberString = file.readLine ();
       accountNumber = Integer.parseInt (accountNumberString);
       cash = Integer.parseInt(cashNumberString);
   catch (NumberFormatException e)
       System.out.println (accountNumberString +
    " is not a number");
    System.out.println (cashNumberString +
    " is not a number");
   // Create a new Student object.
   customer =
       new Customer (fullName, transaction, accountNumber, cash);
   // Insert the student into the link list.
   System.out.println (customer);
   linkList.insert (customer);
   fullName = file.readLine ();
      file.close ();
  catch (IOException e)
      System.out.println ("I/O exception reading 'students.txt'");
    } // readFromFile method
    // The main program. Read a list of students into a linked list, then
    // output the result recursively and then iteratively. Finally output
    // the linked list in reverse order.
    static public void main (String args [])
 linkList = new LinkList ();
 readFromFile ();
    } // main method
} /* LinkListTest class */
public class Customer implements Sortable
    protected String fullName;
    protected String transaction;
    protected int accountNumber;
    protected int cash;
    public Customer (String fullName, String transaction, int accountNumber, int cash)
 this.fullName = fullName;
 this.transaction = transaction;
 this.accountNumber = accountNumber; = cash;
    public int compareTo (Sortable other)
 Customer otherCustomer = (Customer) other;
 int result;
 result = transaction.compareTo (otherCustomer.transaction);
 if (result == 0)
     result = fullName.compareTo (otherCustomer.fullName);
     if (result == 0)
  if (accountNumber < otherCustomer.accountNumber)
      result = -1;
  else if (accountNumber == otherCustomer.accountNumber)
      result = 0;
      result = 1;
 return result;
    public String getFullName ()
 return fullName;
    public String getTransaction ()
 return transaction;
    public int getAccountNumber ()
 return accountNumber;
  public int getCash ()
 return cash;
    public String toString ()
 return "name "+fullName +"\n"+"transaction type "+transaction+"\n"+"Account Number "+accountNumber+"\n"+"Amount "+cash+"\n\n";

please note the next two snippets of code are for another program, but u'll need them for the above to work correctly :)

public class SortableLinkEntry
    protected Sortable element; // The entry's data.
    protected SortableLinkEntry link; // The link to the next entry.
    // Create a new link entry.
    public SortableLinkEntry (Sortable element, SortableLinkEntry link)
 this.element = element; = link;
    } // LinkEntry constructor
    // Return the element of the link entry.
    public Sortable getElement ()
 return element;
    } // getElement method
    // Return the link to the next link entry.
    public SortableLinkEntry getLink ()
 return link;
    } // getLink method
    // Set the link to the next link entry.
    public void setLink (SortableLinkEntry newLink)
 link = newLink;
    } // setLink method
} /* SortableLinkEntry class */

and finally

public abstract interface Sortable
    public abstract int compareTo (Sortable other);
} /* Sortable interface */

what i ideally want is a menu system, that will let me select the following.
Viewing withdrawl's and deposits in 2 seperate lists.
Viewing the averages of cash for each list.
could anyone point me i nthe correct direction? ( please ntoe im not asking someone to do the whole thing for me. I merely want a lil kick in the right direction - as im not sure myself )

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