HEy guys Have any one of u worked for an insurance company on java. I need to describe what u do in java for an insurance company. I need the description of the projects done for an insurance company in java. please make this quick,. This is emergency. Bye. thankx a lot.

Would you like us to make your lunch for you while we're at it? :mrgreen:

Seriously, though: we're here to assist people with their hardware and software problems, but "assist" means that you'll need to be more specific in your description of your needs, and you'll also need to let us know what work you have done so far. The way you've stated things in your post, it sounds like you'd like us to come up with "your" ideas.

That type of request is explicitly disallowed here, as pointed out in the following excerpt from our posting rules:

"Do not post homework problems expecting a quick answer without showing any effort yourself. This especially pertains to the software development forums."


sir i need a java project. if u can help me or can provide me a project. so plz rpl me i wil wait for ur rpl

commented: Sir, should I shot my left leg or left? Head is better -2

sir i need a java project. if u can help me or can provide me a project. so plz rpl me i wil wait for ur rpl

Create a website with project ideas so other hopeless souls can get cheap ideas because they are not able to apply mind to their work and lack imagination.

For starter you may want to utilize project ideas of sourceforge.net

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