Task is to create a basic calculator using double value and sentinel. I cannot figure out how to get the array to avoid counting the sentinel. To me, it looks like I've put in safeguards such as only looping if the value is >=0, but it still counts, lists, and even adds the sentinel number to the final result. I've tried changing the while statement to !=-1 with no change in the results. I'm a complete Java newbie (obviously), and have tried many options, but can't find the right one.
package arraypractice;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CashRegister
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int SENTINEL=-1;
double priceFromUser=0;
double total=0;
double average=0;
double count=0;
boolean done=false;
String trash="";
String lists="";
ArrayList<Double> list = new ArrayList<>();
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
//Prompt user to enter a price, or -1 when finished entering prices.
while (!done)
while (priceFromUser >= 0)
System.out.println("Please enter item price, or enter -1 to quit.");
if(in.hasNextDouble())//if the input is a double
priceFromUser=in.nextDouble(); //read value from user
list.add(priceFromUser); //add valid price to the list
trash=in.nextLine(); //throw away the input
System.out.println("You did not enter a price.");
//add valid input to list
//total the prices added by user, and keep track of how many were added
total += priceFromUser;
//print the array list of entries, the total cost, and the average cost.
System.out.println("The total price of the items is $" + total +". The average cost per item is: $" + (total/count));
Output is:
Please enter item price, or enter -1 to quit.
Please enter item price, or enter -1 to quit.
Please enter item price, or enter -1 to quit.
Please enter item price, or enter -1 to quit.
Please enter item price, or enter -1 to quit.
The total price of the items is $99.0. The average cost per item is: $19.8