I have MinGW installed on Windows 10. Can you help me compile something with it?

I get this

$ g++ first.cpp -o first
bash: g++: command not found

And then

$ apt-get install g++
bash: apt-get: command not found

I'll check that out, but is that really the answer to my question?

There are no files in C:\msys64\mingw64\bin

You asked Can you help me compile something with it?

The most common problem I find people to struggle with is the setup of the system. As I wrote above, setup is far too many steps for me to type in a reply. Maybe somewhere someone can copy all that here so I thought the best way to cover setup would be to find what looks like a complete web page about that.

As to the no files in some folder, why should there be files there?

PS: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41673967/msys2-doesnt-find-mingw64 kicks around the usual issues with this dev kit. I can't know which version or method you used to install.

Select New and add the Mingw-w64 destination folder path to the system path. The exact path depends on which version of Mingw-w64 you have installed and where you installed it. If you used the settings above to install Mingw-w64, then add this to the path: C:\msys64\mingw64\bin.

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