Just trying to make pickle work, but when I load the file the dictiionary is still empty.

It's an addressbook, with the dictionary keys being names, and values being numbers {N:NUM}

I've programmed pickle to save it to a file with a user specified name, and it does so. I did it in a txt file and could see the data. When I load it after closing the program and rerunning it, the dictionary is still blank. Here's the code:

#Filename: address.py
import pickle
address = {}
def print_menu():
    print 'Address Book'
    print '1. Print contacts'
    print '2. Add contact'
    print '3. Delete contact'
    print '4. Alter contact'
    print '5. Save contacts'
    print '6. Load contacts'
    print '9. Quit'
def add_name(name,number):
    address[name] = number
def del_name(name):
    if address.has_key(name):
        del address[name]
        print 'Contact cannot be found.'
def alter_contact(name):
    if address.has_key(name):
        number = input('New number: ')
        address[name] = number
        print 'Contact cannot be found.'
def save_contacts(filename,address):
    out_file = open(filename, "w")
    pickle.dump(address, out_file)
def load_contacts(filename,address):
    in_file = open(filename, "r")
    address2 = pickle.load(in_file)
menu_options = 0
while menu_options != 9:
    menu_options = input('Type an option: ')
    if menu_options == 1:
        print address
    elif menu_options == 2:
        name = raw_input('Name of contact: ')
        number = input('Number: ')
        add_name(name, number)
    elif menu_options == 3:
        name = raw_input('Contact to be deleted: ')
    elif menu_options == 4:
        name = raw_input('Contact to be updated :')
    elif menu_options == 5:
        filename = raw_input('Filename to save as: ')
    elif menu_options == 6:
        filename = raw_input('Filename to load: ')
    elif menu_options != 9:
print 'Goodbye'

What is the problem?

Could somebody please help? Do you need more info?

I made some corrections to your program, please read the comments ...

#Filename: address.py

import pickle

address = {}

def print_menu():
    print 'Address Book'
    print '1. Print contacts'
    print '2. Add contact'
    print '3. Delete contact'
    print '4. Alter contact'
    print '5. Save contacts'
    print '6. Load contacts'
    print '9. Quit'
def add_name(name,number):
    address[name] = number
def del_name(name):
    if address.has_key(name):
        del address[name]
        print 'Contact cannot be found.'
def alter_contact(name):
    if address.has_key(name):
        number = input('New number: ')
        address[name] = number
        print 'Contact cannot be found.'
def save_contacts(filename,address):
    out_file = open(filename, "w")
    pickle.dump(address, out_file)

# new address is loaded and then returned
def load_contacts(filename):
    in_file = open(filename, "r")
    address2 = pickle.load(in_file)  # !!!!!!!!
    return address2  # need to return new address!!!!!!!!
menu_options = 0
while menu_options != 9:
    menu_options = input('Type an option: ')
    if menu_options == 1:
        print address
    elif menu_options == 2:
        name = raw_input('Name of contact: ')
        number = input('Number: ')
        add_name(name, number)
    elif menu_options == 3:
        name = raw_input('Contact to be deleted: ')
    elif menu_options == 4:
        name = raw_input('Contact to be updated :')
    elif menu_options == 5:
        filename = raw_input('Filename to save as: ')
    elif menu_options == 6:
        filename = raw_input('Filename to load: ')
        #load_contacts(filename,address)  # !!!!!!!!!
        # the new address dictionary is returned from this function call
        # writes over the old address
        address = load_contacts(filename)
    # last elif will not happen, if any of the previous elif are true!!!!
    # so move print_manu() call to the first line in while loop
    # remove statement below ...
    elif menu_options != 9:
print 'Goodbye'

Thanks again. All the tasks in the beginners sticky are too tough for me, can you give me a task at the right level for me? I know about OOP, tuples, and modules in addition to everything else. Can you give me a simple task?

Thanks again. All the tasks in the beginners sticky are too tough for me, can you give me a task at the right level for me? I know about OOP, tuples, and modules in addition to everything else. Can you give me a simple task?

Take a look at:

i've seen in a few posts that you use "import pickle"...the module pickle is uses in what kind of situations?
thanks in advance:cheesy:

The module pickle saves/dumps and loads back an object like a list or dictionary as a whole in byte code.

Note: Please post a new thread with a title that reflects your question. Don't hijack old threads!

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