I made a program that has no REAL purpose, but i did it solely to see if i could do it, because i am new to python (somewhat) and i did:
It will open a .txt file, and add a word of your choice inbetween each word that exists in the file.
import pickle
dashes = "==================================="
hostageFile = raw_input("Which file to mess up? ")
#opens the selected file
textf = open(hostageFile, 'r')
str1 = textf.read()
#makes every word in file a list
wordlist = str1.split(None)
#shows the unaltered file
print dashes
print str1
print dashes
#prints every word in the file as a list
print dashes
print wordlist
print dashes
#grabs a some characters for the manipulating
password = raw_input("Enter some characters: ")
#this makes it so that the number of words in the document doesn't matter, it grabs
#the number of words and uses that number for the manipulation using len(wordlist)
x = len(wordlist)
#when adding the words, the list will get twice the size, so the words will only
#go to the size of the previous list, meaning it will only go half way down the
#new list. this makes it go the rest of the way
y = x*2
#makes it so that the number of words in document is again irrelivent
#goes until the number y is reached
counter = 0
while counter != y:
wordlist.insert(counter, password)
counter += 2
if counter == y:
#prints modified wordlist
print dashes
print wordlist
print dashes
#turns the list into a string with a space inbetween each word
joinList = " ".join(wordlist)
#prints the string
print dashes
print joinList
print dashes
#asks user if they are sure they wish to modify
sure = raw_input("Modify?(y or n): ")
if sure == "y" or sure == "Y":
#saves the new string over the old file's words, essentially modifying the contents
file = open(hostageFile, "w")
pickle.dump(joinList, file)
print "modified..."
#if no, the program restarts
elif sure == "n" or sure == "N":
execfile("File content changer.py")
but when i try to tell it to do this to a .doc instead of a .txt it does it horribly wrong. is there any way i can make it able to manipulate .doc aswell as .txt