I seem to not understand the following,
Using appropriate format specifiers and horizontal tabs, DISPLAY one line for each
product, its quantity sold, its unit price and its total sales
ASSIGN the sum of product1Sales through product5Sales TO totalSalesAllProducts
Using appropriate format specifiers and horizontal tabs, DISPLAY the “Total Sales” line
here is my code
// MailOrder.Java
// This program is a Mail Order form that
// takes input and produces a print report
// of the results from input data
// Proram by michael Statham
// last updated on sept. 30 2006
// imports the java Scanner
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MailOrder
static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
// main method begins program execution
public static void main(String[] args)
// Defines the varibles
int quantitySoldOfProduct1 = 0;
int quantitySoldOfProduct2 = 0;
int quantitySoldOfProduct3 = 0;
int quantitySoldOfProduct4 = 0;
int quantitySoldOfProduct5 = 0;
int productId;
int quantitySoldOfProduct;
// Prints the Task ID and Programmer
System.out.println("\nTask 07-02 Ch05 Programmed by Michael Statham");
// Prints Program input line
System.out.print("\nProgram input:\n");
// display the intial Enter prompt
System.out.print("\n\tEnter product number, or <ctrl>z to stop: ");
// product Id next statement
productId = input.nextInt();
// display quantity sold prompt
System.out.printf("\t\t Quantity sold for product%d: ",productId);
quantitySoldOfProduct = input.nextInt();
// start of switch statement, summarize quantity sold of product
case 1: quantitySoldOfProduct1 += quantitySoldOfProduct;
case 2: quantitySoldOfProduct2 += quantitySoldOfProduct;
case 3: quantitySoldOfProduct3 += quantitySoldOfProduct;
case 4: quantitySoldOfProduct4 += quantitySoldOfProduct;
case 5: quantitySoldOfProduct5 += quantitySoldOfProduct;
default: System.out.println("ERROR: Invalid Product number enterd.");
}//end switch
// display the enter prompt again
System.out.print("\n\tEnter product number, or <ctrl>z to stop: ");
// display end of program
System.out.println("\nEnd of Program");
}//end main
public static void PrintSalesReport(int quantitySoldOfProduct1, int quantitySoldOfProduct2,
int quantitySoldOfProduct3, int quantitySoldOfProduct4, int quantitySoldOfProduct5)
// assign varibles for Print Sales Report
int totalSalesAllProducts = 0;
double unitPriceOfProduct1 = 2.98;
double unitPriceOfProduct2 = 4.50;
double unitPriceOfProduct3 = 9.98;
double unitPriceOfProduct4 = 4.49;
double unitPriceOfProduct5 = 6.87;
double product1Sales = quantitySoldOfProduct1 * unitPriceOfProduct1;
double product2Sales = quantitySoldOfProduct2 * unitPriceOfProduct2;
double product3Sales = quantitySoldOfProduct3 * unitPriceOfProduct3;
double product4Sales = quantitySoldOfProduct4 * unitPriceOfProduct4;
double product5Sales = quantitySoldOfProduct5 * unitPriceOfProduct5;
// display program output line
System.out.print("\n\nProgram output:\n");
// displays column heading line
System.out.print("\n\tProduct\tQuantity\tUnit Price\tTotal Sales\n");
System.out.println("\n\t 1" + "\t 1" + "\t$ 2.98" + "\t$" + " 2.98");
System.out.println("\t 2" + "\t 10" + "\t$ 4.50" + "\t$" + " 45.00");
System.out.println("\t 3" + "\t 100" + "\t$ 9.98" + "\t$" + " 998.00");
System.out.println("\t 4" + "\t 1000" + "\t$ 4.49" + "\t$" + " 4,490.00");
System.out.println("\t 5" + "\t 10000" + "\t$ 6.87" + "\t$" + " 68,700.00");
System.out.println("\n\tTotal Sales" + "\t\t\t\t$ 74,235.98");
}//end PrintSalesReport
}//end class MailOrder