hi everyone!
can anyone help me with making a program which is to print a timekeeper like shape with "*"

yes -- but you have to write the program youself. We are here to help YOU write programs, not for us the do your work.

What does a timekeeper like shape look like ???

Maybe it's something like this:

// simple to do with copy and paste

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void hour_glass()
    cout << "*******" << endl;
    cout << " ***** " << endl;
    cout << "  ***  " << endl;
    cout << "   *   " << endl;
    cout << "  ***  " << endl;
    cout << " ***** " << endl;
    cout << "*******" << endl;   

int main()
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

However, that would be too simple. I am sure your teacher expects you to complicate the code a little with for loop and some if statements to place the stars correctly.

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