I have posted this thread in the microsoft software forum as well but with no luck. If anyone can tell me how I can save a active excel file using a macro to save it in a folder using the current date as the file name. I hope that was clear. I know no VBA at all sorry...

Any help will be appreciated.


I have posted this thread in the microsoft software forum as well but with no luck. If anyone can tell me how I can save a active excel file using a macro to save it in a folder using the current date as the file name. I hope that was clear. I know no VBA at all sorry...

Any help will be appreciated.


This will save with a value of a cell and todays date

Sub save()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Range("B11").Value & Format(Date, "mmdd")
End Sub

Thanks for the post, but I have already found a perfect answer and I will try and remember to post the VBA when i can find it. Cheers

Hi, New here.
I tried several different statements and keep getting an error.
Compile error
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.

It highlights the Format property.

I did look in tools, references for anything missing and there was none.
What am I missing?


This will save with a value of a cell and todays date

Sub save()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Range("B11").Value & Format(Date, "mmdd")
End Sub

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