I'm trying to create a hangman game using vb.net.......here's what my professor wants in the program....
Write a program to play the hangman game. If you do not remember the hangman game, contact me. If you have already written hangman in VB for CIS52, we need to talk about another game!
The specifications that you must incorporate are:
The player should be able to play two ways:
Way 1: There should be a database with words that the player can chose to play with - each execution of the game would randomly pull out a word from the database.
Way 2: Another player enters a word and after that word has been stored, it is no longer visible. The person playing the game then tries to figure out that word.
The pictures involved with showing various stages of the body leading up to the hanging should be handled with an ImageList.
All the letters of the alphabet should be placed on the form - first one at design time and the rest at execution. When the player selects a letter, it should no longer be visible for selection. It the player clicks on the place a letter was or another blank place there should be a message.
The game should determine the number of letters in the selected word and display an underscore for each letter. When a player selects a correct letter, it should be placed in the proper position in this display of underscores (replacing an underscore). If the letter occurs multiple times in the word, it should replace an underscore in the appropriate position for each occurance. If the player chooses an invalid letter, the picture should reflect that there has been one more inaccurate quess.
A message should be displayed on the form announcing a win or a loss. The player should have the option to play again.
The only thing I can figure out is how to get the word and display underscores for the word. I think I have to copy the contents of the word into an array, but I can't find or figure out a way to do this...among other things. : (