Trying to convert old QB program to VB.NET. The declarations block would help a lot. I know full well your not going to convert the whole program for me LOL. I only wish :-).
3 REM Printer port control of 6-wire stepping motor via LPRINT command.
4 REM Two of the four windings are always energized
100 D0 = 1
110 D1 = 2
120 D2 = 4
130 D3 = 8
135 T = 300
137 REM
138 REM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -=[ METHOD ONE ]=- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
140 REM
142 REM Semicolens at end of LPRINT statement tells BASIC to not add
145 REM carrage return and line feed to transmitted data.
147 REM
150 FOR e = 1 TO 10: REM step motor 40 steps in clockwise direction
160 LPRINT CHR$(D0 + D1); : GOSUB 500
170 LPRINT CHR$(D1 + D2); : GOSUB 500
180 LPRINT CHR$(D2 + D3); : GOSUB 500
190 LPRINT CHR$(D3 + D0); : GOSUB 500
200 NEXT e
210 FOR e = 1 TO 10: REM step motor 40 steps in counter-clockwise direction
220 LPRINT CHR$(D3 + D0); : GOSUB 500
230 LPRINT CHR$(D2 + D3); : GOSUB 500
240 LPRINT CHR$(D1 + D2); : GOSUB 500
250 LPRINT CHR$(D0 + D1); : GOSUB 500
260 NEXT e
270 REM
I ran this in old QB years ago on a very old machine.
VB.NET and the VS IDE are very new to me. Even a few hints would help. No, there isn't a collage near by that offers the course. I'd go if I could. The inpout32.dll is working fine.
Thanks for any help.