Greetings...I'm trying to add a part for 2 times the rate for any hours over the first 60...Can anyone aid me? Many thanks
// This program calculates gross pay.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// Global constants
const double PAY_RATE = 10; // Hourly pay rate
const double BASE_HOURS = 40.0; // Max non-overtime hours
const double OT_MULTIPLIER = 1.5; // Overtime multiplier
// Function prototypes
double getBasePay(double);
double getOvertimePay(double);
int main()
double hours, // Hours worked
basePay, // Base pay
overtime = 0.0, // Overtime pay
totalPay; // Total pay
// Get the number of hours worked.
cout << "How many hours did you work? ";
cin >> hours;
// Get the amount of base pay.
basePay = getBasePay(hours);
// Get overtime pay, if any.
if (hours > BASE_HOURS)
overtime = getOvertimePay(hours);
// Calculate the total pay.
totalPay = basePay + overtime;
// Set up numeric output formatting.
cout << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
// Display the pay.
cout << "Base pay: $" << basePay << endl;
cout << "Overtime pay $" << overtime << endl;
cout << "Total pay $" << totalPay << endl;
return 0;
// The getBasePay function accepts the number of *
// hours worked as an argument and returns the *
// employee's pay for non-overtime hours. *
double getBasePay(double hoursWorked)
double basePay; // To hold base pay
// Determine base pay.
if (hoursWorked > BASE_HOURS)
basePay = hoursWorked * PAY_RATE;
return basePay;
// The getOvertimePay function accepts the number *
// of hours worked as an argument and returns the *
// employee's overtime pay. *
double getOvertimePay(double hoursWorked)
double overtimePay; // To hold overtime pay
// Determine overtime pay.
if (hoursWorked > BASE_HOURS)
overtimePay = (hoursWorked - BASE_HOURS) *
overtimePay = 0.0;
return overtimePay;