hi guys

i'm trying to write a code that will ask a user to input a string and then check to see if its a palindrome

when trying to run what i have done so far i get an illegal instruction error. i know its something to do with 'get input value' part but i dont know what. also could someone tell me if my inString variable is set correctly.. its supposed to reserve space in memory for 20 char's and a carriage return

chword 		DB cr,lf,'Enter a word to see if its a palindrome $'
isNotP 		DB cr,lf,'is not a palindrome$'
isP 		DB cr,lf,'is a palindrome$'
inString	DB cr,lf,	20,?,'                     $'


	LEA DX,chword
	INT 21H
	LEA DX,inString
	INT 21H

i have only been learning assembly a few weeks and its not going too good, i think large class sizes at uni and a lack of proper explanation is my biggest problem, so if anyone is willing to help it would be greatly apreciated:cheesy:

hi guys

i'm trying to write a code that will ask a user to input a string and then check to see if its a palindrome

when trying to run what i have done so far i get an illegal instruction error. i know its something to do with 'get input value' part but i dont know what. also could someone tell me if my inString variable is set correctly.. its supposed to reserve space in memory for 20 char's and a carriage return

chword         DB cr,lf,'Enter a word to see if its a palindrome $'
isNotP         DB cr,lf,'is not a palindrome$'
isP         DB cr,lf,'is a palindrome$'
inString    DB cr,lf,    20,?,'                     $'
    LEA DX,chword
    MOV AH,9
    INT 21H
    LEA DX,inString
    MOV AH,0AH
    INT 21H

i have only been learning assembly a few weeks and its not going too good, i think large class sizes at uni and a lack of proper explanation is my biggest problem, so if anyone is willing to help it would be greatly apreciated:cheesy:

You have put a pretty strange place to put a cr, lf. Presumably it is meant to come ate the end of isP:

isP db cr, lf, 'is a palindrome', cr, lf, '$'

Also if instring is meant to be a buffer to hold a maximum of 20 characters plus cr, the best way to declare it is:

instring db 20, ?, 21 dup(?)

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