Can anybody help with the attached project ("")

In the folder there is a binary file ("Mazatrol.dat") that I am trying to read. I cannot get the code to work correctly. Can somebody please see if they can update the visual basic project, and tell me what I am doing wrong.

Please see the attachment ("")

Many thanks

Darren (isocam)

In function cmdReadValues_Click() check that file_length > 0. The file in your zip is an empty file.

Otherwise, I don't see any problems with that program. Just make sure you click the Write button first to generate the file.

I have attached a new file Called "Binary Files.Zip" this now, contains, the binary file that I want to read/convert. Can somebody please have a quick look at it again, to see if the coding is correct.

Many thanks for your help.

Darren (isocam)

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