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I'm lost. why won't my objects instantate?

Here's the code, compiler errors are below. thanks

class date
              char *mo;
              int day, yr;
                    {*mo = 0;
                    day = 0;
                    yr = 0;}
              date (char *m, int d, int y)
                   {mo = new char[strlen(m)+1];
                   strcpy(mo, m);
                   day = d;
                   yr = y;}
              date(const date &obj)
                   {mo = new char[strlen(];
                   day =;
                   yr = obj.yr;}
                     {delete[] mo;}
              const char *getMo()
                    {return mo;}
              int getDay()
                  {return day;}
              int getYr()
                  {return yr;}
              void operator=(const date &right)
                  { delete [] mo;
                  mo = new char[strlen( + 1];
                  day =;
                  yr = right.yr;}
class time:public date
              int hr, min, sec;
              time (int hh, int mm, int ss)
                   {hr = hh;
                   min = mm;
                   sec = ss;}
              time(const time &obj)
                   {hr =;
                   min = obj.min;
                   sec = obj.sec;}              
              int getHour()
                  {return hr;}
              int getMin()
                  {return min;}
              int getSec()
                  {return sec;}
int main()
   time first("January", 1, 2007);
   time second("January", 2, 2007);
   time reverse = first;
   cout << "first date = " << first.getMo();
   cout << "/" << first.getDay();
   cout << "/" << first.getYr() << endl;
   cout << "second date = " << second.getMo();
   cout << "/" << second.getDay();
   cout << "/" << second.getYr() << endl;
   reverse = second;
   second = first; 
   cout << "now first date =  " << reverse.getMo();
   cout << "/" << reverse.getDay();
   cout << "/" << reverse.getYr() << endl;
   cout << "now second date =  " << second.getMo();
   cout << "/" << second.getDay();
   cout << "/" << second.getYr() << endl;

Compiler errors:

In function `int main()':
expected `;' before "first"
warning: statement is a reference, not call, to function `time'
expected `;' before "second"
warning: statement is a reference, not call, to function `time'
expected `;' before "reverse"
warning: statement is a reference, not call, to function `time'

That is because time( ) is a function in standard C++ found in the ctime header file.

You can't name program variables with the names of standard functions. If you will observe closely, that is also what those errors say out.

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