hello friends,
I am doing a bank management system project where I have to conect a database done in MS Access(.mdb extension) to the C++ code...I ve never learnt much about databases and this is the first time I m using Access...so I d be grateful if anyone could explain me to connect Access and C++ ...in detail
Any help would be appreciated...

In order to use MS Access or any other SQL database you need to learn the SQL language -- or at least have a basic understanding of it. There are several free c++ ODBC classes and here that will simplify connecting to the database, quering and receiving the resultsets. You can also do database inserts and updates.

Most, if not all, the c++ classes contain example programs.


We recently published a technical article with code samples on MSDN which shows how you can use Visual Studio C/C++ to work with Access 2007 databases, talks about new ACE engine and file formats that Access supports and much more.

Link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc811599.aspx

Aleksandar Jaksic
Software Engineer
Microsoft Access Team


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