Psynister 0 Newbie Poster

Good afternoon (or whatever would be applicable to your location).

I have a couple of problems here that I need some help on. I have searched the boards here a bit and found some similar questions and answers, but none of them that actually address what I am currently dealing with. The questions appear at the bottom if you want to skip the information below and get right to it.

The quality department at my facility has an access database that they use to keep track of all of the parts made here that end up getting rejected. The database works well for what it was designed to do, but it is filled in with information that is first recorded on paper by hand, then given to another person to do some more work with it, then to another, and then put onto paper and filed away. Any changes/additions require the paper to be pulled back out, changes made, and then updating the database as well.

There are a lot of extra steps that are not necessary, so they asked me if I could help them by turning their rejection form into a digital layout that would put all of the information into the database for them. Their database is large and deals with other projects besides just the rejection form, so changing the database was not really an option. Adding a VBA form would have worked, but I can do more with VB6 and do a better job of it too, so I made a vb program that can uses the access database. But, there are a few things that I do not know how to do.

Problem 1) All of the users in the Access database have their user name and passwords set up in Access itself (Tools > Security > Users...etc). On one of my forms there are boxes set up to hold "digital signatures" which ask the user for their password in order to put their name in the boxes. I have been storing their login information in variables and then just checking them against the variables when they try to do it, but I need to have it be able to allow Person B to go to Person A's computer while Person A is logged in, and be able to put Person B's digital signature in there.

Question: Is there a way for me to access the user name/password information from the Access program itself? If so, then how?

Problem 2) When a new rejection is entered, I need to have it set off a 30 day countdown for the Quality department to put their signature on it. After 30 days, I need to have the program send an email (or similar message) to members of the quality department so that we do not have rejections floating around without anything being done about them.

Question: How can I set up a reminder email to be sent out if more than 30 days have gone by without the quality department having signed off on it? -- The countdown part is the main issue.

Problem 3) While they want the whole process to be digital rather than paper-based, they do want to have physical copies of the rejections. When the files are printed though, they want all of them to go to a single network printer located in one of the Quality offices. The centralized printer is the only one that they want the files to be able to be printed to.

Question: How do I set it up so that all of the files printed off will go to the centralized printer in the quality department?

Any help you can give me on any level is greatly appreciated.

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