My problem is that i have been asked to try and find out how to, and to make a program in VB which is linked to an access database. I help out at a charity band thing which happens every week. there are three bands play (but that doesnt matter)
There are different people who come, there are some that are members and some that arent. the members are currently stored in an access database, however we now want to make a program which will look up the member in the database by using a 4 digit ID code. We then want the program to mark off something in the database that says that the member has been to that gig. if the member has been to 3 gigs in a row, we want the program to say that the gig is free to get in, and if they havent, then it should say that it is £4.00. The problem is i have never done anything with VB before, but i have been told it will be £4000 to have a program made for me so i could do with learning how to make it myself because, as its a charity organisation, they cant really afford that.... any help will be appreciated.... if you want more info my email is << email id snipped >> thanks everyone

dont use VB4 its over 11 years old!

try Visual Basic Express

why do you even need visual basic?
what you want can be done in access using forms

dont use VB4 its over 11 years old!

try Visual Basic Express

why do you even need visual basic?
what you want can be done in access using forms

i want to use visual basic because we want a way of knowing whether a member has been to a gig a certain amount of times, without having to look through the database, as it needs to be done within a second, or do you have any other suggestions of what to use?

like i said, use visual basic express. dont use visual basic 4

and again, like i said, you can calculate all this in access using forms

like i said, use visual basic express. dont use visual basic 4

and again, like i said, you can calculate all this in access using forms

Where can i get hold of a copy of visual basic express? also how would it be done in access using forms? and the problem is we want a full GUI so that the users dont have access to the database

ah ok i didnt know you didnt want your users to have access

you can download visual Basic express free from microsofts website (google it) - if you choose NOT to install SQL or MSDN it comes to about 50mb. You can also order a cd i think

ah ok i didnt know you didnt want your users to have access

you can download visual Basic express free from microsofts website (google it) - if you choose NOT to install SQL or MSDN it comes to about 50mb. You can also order a cd i think

OK, i have now downloaded visual basic express, but now im even more confused about how to use it, i dont get how i can link the access database to visual basic... help?

i really dont get how to do this stuff, are there any tutorials which give a lot of help? im on a really short deadline... got untill the end of february...which is pretty strict for someone who doesnt know what they are doing.... please help~?

make a new project and choose "windows application" as the type.

On the right of the screen there should be the solution explorer and under that is a tab labeled DATA SOURCES - click that tab.



Change DATA SOURCE from SQL to MS Access

Point it to your access database

Choose what tables you want

You can now drag and drop database fields onto your database


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