
I have developed a small commercial application in VB+ MS-Access.

Now, I want to sale it with trial version and registered version.

However, I am not getting a perfect logic to write in VB to design a Product Registration Code!

Please guide me in this regard. Thank you very much.

Abhishek :lol:

thank u very much

Your best bet is to do some simple math equation. For example microsoft used to have their serial numbers like this 123-2345566. Than they would add up all the numbers and if they could be divided by 7 without a remainder than it would be valid. This way they could generate thousands of serial numbers.

Visual Basic 6 (VB6) tutorials and source code samples

I agree with mjwest10, thats nice and simple.

Other more complicated methods involve reading the registry and basing a code on items like Motherboard ID etc.

Just for your info

another way to do it is to put in a whole bunch of if statements /\/\ kinda a bit harder, but not impossible, done it with other apps... try looking on the internet for a password generator, it will show you a whole bunch of examples that you could use... there is one other way that i know of, but will not tell everyone, so if you want it youll have to pm me...

You can also write another application called "Activate.exe" and make it work that way. Although, then hackers and people like that can easily(!!!) crack your program. I know this for a fact because I wrote a program and used this method, but after a few weeks people were cracking my program and getting the amazing quality of my PHP editor......

You can also write another application called "Activate.exe" and make it work that way. Although, then hackers and people like that can easily(!!!) crack your program. I know this for a fact because I wrote a program and used this method, but after a few weeks people were cracking my program and getting the amazing quality of my PHP editor......

i think the main idea of a registration form is for people to be unable to crack it... that was a good idea tho

another way to do it wuold be to use hkey classes, and write it to a seperate hkey (IE: tell the program to create an hkey class when the person registers...) again, not the greatest, cvan be redistributed easily but, not many ways to do it...

Yeah I know that's the main reason. I was just pointing out another way to do things. You can write an Activate.exe program that's a little to complicated to be cracked.

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