i have 2 tables in my database. i want to select data from one table and insert into the other. i have written my query using the the table adapter for that table. say i have a table named products and another named sales. using the salestableadapter i wrote and sql select statement to select data from product table and insert to the sales table like
(productName, unitPrice )
SELECT productName, unitPrice
FROM Products
WHERE (ProductName = ?)
where productName is a parameter ie the product name the user will enter. this query is named InsertItem(ProductName).
I then add the 2 tables on my form and create a textbox named productNameTextBox and a button named addButton. on my addButtonClick_Event i call the insertItem query as follows
salesTableAdapter.InsertItem(databasenamedataset.Sales, productNameTextBox. Text)
But i keep on having an error saying no overloaded method for this function takes 2 parameters. i dont know how to sort it out. can you help pls