I have for instance this function I wrote and want to assure that the argument is a number when I call the function.

def hypotenuse(n):
    "return the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle"
    return (n*n + n*n)**0.5
sides = 3.7
print hypotenuse(sides)

Any ideas how to do this?

I have for instance this function I wrote and want to assure that the argument is a number when I call the function.

def hypotenuse(n):
    "return the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle"
    return (n*n + n*n)**0.5
sides = 3.7
print hypotenuse(sides)

Any ideas how to do this?

>>> def hyp(n):
...     if isinstance(n, (float, int)):
...         return (2*(n*n))**0.5
...     else:
...         raise ValueError, 'Invalid argument'
>>> hyp(3)
>>> hyp(7.5)
>>> hyp('t')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "<interactive input>", line 5, in hyp
ValueError: Invalid argument

If you don't want to change your original function you can attach a decorator just above the function as shown ...

# intercept a wrong data type with a function decorator
def require_num(func):
    """decorator to check if a function argument is a number"""
    def wrapper (arg):
        if type(arg) in (int, float):
            return func(arg)
            print "Error: need numeric value!"
    return wrapper
def hypotenuse(n):
    "return the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle"
    return (n*n + n*n)**0.5
print hypotenuse(3.7)  # 5.23259018078
print hypotenuse(3)    # 4.24264068712
print hypotenuse('a')  # Error: need numeric value!

Might be a little advanced for a beginner, but then it is just one of the many advanced features Python has up its sleaves.

Then there's try ... except:

def hypotenuse(n):
    "return the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle"
        return (n*n + n*n)**0.5
        return 'Invalid'
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