I was having some compile errors with my code, along the lines of this:
Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class _CD3D * __cdecl GetD3DClass(void)" (?GetD3DClass@@YAPAV_CD3D@@XZ) DLLBot.obj
After some reasearch i found that the problem was directly due to this line:
class _CD3D
void __stdcall CustomSetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE State, CONST D3DMATRIX* pMatrix);
and subsequently these lines also don't work:
_CD3D __declspec(dllexport) *GetD3DClass();
_CD3D* CD3D = GetD3DClass(); // grab core's D3D class
So what is exactly wrong with that line? Btw i am using d3dx9.h (get the header from the directx SDK)