I have problem when i get an array using I get "Array Index Out of Bound" in QuickS function

getArray(int [] arr)
for (i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)

                   String val = Console.ReadLine();
                   arr[i] = Convert.ToInt32(val);

public static void quicks(int lo, int hi, int[] arr)
           int i = lo;
           hi = arr.Length;
           int j = hi;
           int pivot;
           pivot = arr[(lo + hi) / 2];

           if (lo >= hi)

                   while (arr[i] < pivot)
                   while (arr[j] > pivot) // when it comes here it says Array
                                         //  out of bound problem

                   if (i < j)
                   int temp = a[i];
                   a[i] = a[j];
                   a[j] = temp;

           } while(i < j ); // end of do condition

           if (lo < j) quicks(lo, j,arr);
           if (i < hi) quicks(i, hi,arr);

Please help me in correcting quicksort function

Remove "hi = arr.Length;" and pass in arr.Length-1 as the hi parameter on your first call to the function.

Remove "hi = arr.Length;" and pass in arr.Length-1 as the hi parameter on your first call to the function.

Hi Thanks for help i have changed small bit code

public static void quicks(int [] arr,int lo, int hi)
            int i = lo;
            int temp;
            int j = hi;
            int pivot;
            pivot = arr[(lo + hi) / 2];

            if (i >= j)

                while (i < j)
                    while (i<j && arr[i] < pivot)
                    while (i<j && arr[j] >= pivot)
                    if (i < j)
                    temp = a[i];
                    a[i] = a[j];
                    a[j] = temp;
                }  // end of do condition

            if (j < i)
                temp = j;
                j = i;
                i = temp;
 // i took these two below recursive functions from web and i am also getting problem now in below functions Error="System.StackOverFlowException"
// Can you help me in this and also if tell me what they do
          if (lo<j)  quicks(arr,lo, j);
          if(i<hi)   quicks(arr,j,hi);

        } // end of QuickS

        public static void quicks(int[] arr)
            quicks(arr, 0, arr.Length - 1);

Thanks for quick response. Plz help small bit more.

I prefer to remove the tail recursion and have a while loop take care of the case where i < hi as such:

private static void quicks(int [] arr, int lo, int hi)
    int i;

        i = lo;

        int j = hi;
        int pivot = arr[(lo + hi) / 2];

            while (arr[i] < pivot)
            while (arr[j] > pivot)
            if (i <= j)
                int temp = arr[i];
                arr[i] = arr[j];
                arr[j] = temp;
        } while (i <= j);
        if (lo < j)
            quicks(arr, lo, j);
        lo = i;
    } while (i < hi);

now, unless you have a massively huge array (say, 2^20 or thereabouts), you shouldn't have any recursive stack overflow issues.

Thanks a million jslicer. It worked for me. You are the star.

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