I have encountered a problem with variables which I have defined in a module and then manipulating them from other modules.

I have something like this in moduleA.py:

gVar = None

def getVar():
    return gVar

def setVar(val):
    gVar = val

Then, in moduleB.py I have this:

import moduleA #I also want to get rid of this import...
from moduleA import* #...and use only this import

print getVar() #prints "None"

print getVar() #prints "None" <-- wrong!

moduleA.gVar = 10
print getVar() #prints "10"

How can I make it so that setVar() actually modifies the variable defined in moduleA.py?

Thanks for help,

You need to set gVar global in function setVar(), so it will be visible for function getVr():

gVar = None

def getVar():
    return gVar

def setVar(val):
    global gVar
    gVar = val

Hi, you can do so as said earlier making the variable global.

here is ur code, I modified..

# moduleA.py
global gVar
gVar = 'moduleA'

def getVar():
    global gVar
    return gVar

def setVar(val):
    global gVar
    gVar = val
from moduleA import* 

print getVar() 
print getVar() 

moduleA.gVar = 10
print getVar()


Thank you, that seemed to solve the problem.


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