below is my program.. this concerns about IP addresses. this program works, but I have to separate the implementations in a class in the header file aside from main function.. the implementation/ the codes in the header file must be separated in one file and be conected to the header file and the header file will be connected to the main function.. how would I do this? pls help me..

implementation.cpp -> IpToCountry.hpp -> main.cpp

#include <stdio.h>

class IpToCountry{
    long long int x, y, input;
    char sentence[300], word[10][15];
    int i;
    void Input(long long int);
    const char* convert(){    
        FILE *fp;
            puts("cannot open");}
                while ( fgets(sentence, 300, fp) != NULL){
                char *ox=strstr (sentence, "#");
                int size=0;
                              char *ptr = strtok(sentence, ",\""); 
                              while ( ptr != NULL ){
                        strcpy(word[size], ptr);
                                   if ( ++size >= sizeof word / sizeof *word ) break;
                                    ptr = strtok(NULL, ",\"");}
                              for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
                        return word[4];
        puts("WARNING: Invalid IP Number!!!");
void IpToCountry::Input(long long int MainInput){


// main.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "IpToCountry.hpp"

using namespace std;

int main()
long long int MainInput;
cout<< "Please enter the IP Number here:";
cin>> MainInput;
IpToCountry SubFunc;
cout<< SubFunc.convert()<<endl;
return 0;   
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#include <stdio.h>

class IpToCountry
   long long int x, y, input;
   char sentence[300], word[10][15];
   int i;
   void Input ( long long int );
   const char* convert()
      FILE *fp;
      fp = fopen ( "IpToCountry.csv", "r" );
      if ( fp == NULL )
         puts ( "cannot open" );
         while ( fgets ( sentence, 300, fp ) != NULL )
            char *ox = strstr ( sentence, "#" );
            int size = 0;
            if ( ox == 0 )
               char *ptr = strtok ( sentence, ",\"" );
               while ( ptr != NULL )
                  strcpy ( word[size], ptr );
                  if ( ++size >= sizeof word / sizeof *word ) break;
                  ptr = strtok ( NULL, ",\"" );
               for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
                  x = atoll ( word[0] );
                  y = atoll ( word[1] );
               if ( input >= x && input <= y )
                  return word[4];
                  fclose ( fp );
                  exit ( 1 );
      puts ( "WARNING: Invalid IP Number!!!" );
      fclose ( fp );
void IpToCountry::Input ( long long int MainInput )
   input = MainInput;

// main.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "IpToCountry.hpp"

using namespace std;

int main()
   long long int MainInput;
   cout << "Please enter the IP Number here:";
   cin >> MainInput;
   IpToCountry SubFunc;
   SubFunc.Input ( MainInput );
   cout << SubFunc.convert() << endl;
   return 0;

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