
I just have a question is the book C++ Programming Primer By D.S. Malik a book worth getting?

What stage is it: Beginner, Professional
What does it teach me up to: What the last topics in book
Will I need more books after this regarding the topic?
And is there a Table of contents?

I think only book you will ever require is C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup.

>I just have a question is the book C++ Programming Primer By D.S. Malik a book worth getting?
You can get it on Amazon for less than $5, so it's not something you have to think too hard about. If it's a bad book, not much is lost. If it's a decent book, all the better.

>What stage is it: Beginner, Professional
Any book with "Primer" in the name is extremely likely to be for beginners.

>What does it teach me up to: What the last topics in book
Most beginner books drop off right around basic templates and multiple inheritance.

>Will I need more books after this regarding the topic?
Yes. Look for books by Stroustrup, Meyers, Koenig, and Sutter. Those should keep you busy for a while.

>And is there a Table of contents?
A quick search didn't find me one.

>I think only book you will ever require is C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup.
I think you're wrong. While The C++ Programming Language is required reading for any self-respecting C++ professional, it's hardly the only book you need.

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