I used VB 6.0 very much. There is a provison to compile to EXE file then package and deployment wizard make setup.exe
But I learned VB.Net 2005 programming but I couldn't any way to make a setup program or any alternative to sell my project.

Is it the full version of 2005 or the express version, as the method varies between them?

Yes it is full version of Visual Studio 2005. Is there not available package and deployment vizard as available in Visual Studio 6.0. How to convert a setup package?

Is it the full version of 2005 or the express version, as the method varies between them?

You need add a setup project to your solution.

can anybody help me plz...i want to creat a .EXE file in VB.NET 2005 project cause i want to run this project in another computer where VB.NET 2005 was not installed

The exe is in (solution folder)/release

Hi , You Just Go In Your Folder Which You Saved For Your Project And See There is One Folder Like bin And in This Folder You Have Debug and in this You Can See Your EXE. In Vb 2005 You Have Facality When You Run you Project Then Automatically Exe Create in Your Debug Folder.

I used VB 6.0 very much. There is a provison to compile to EXE file then package and deployment wizard make setup.exe
But I learned VB.Net 2005 programming but I couldn't any way to make a setup program or any alternative to sell my project.

Dear gauravvmahhajan,

follow the following steps to genearte the setup files of any vb.NET project.

  • Open your project
  • now move the cursor to file----->add Project------->New Project
  • then add project dialog box appears
  • now select Setup and deployment project types and setup project from templates and mention the name in name text box and the location in location text box, now click ok button
  • now in solution explorer right click on setup option then add------>file(if you have used any extra file e.g. databases or image file or dll file).
  • add all of these files files
  • repeat the prevous two steps untill you have added all of the extra file to the current setup.
  • now again right click on setup in solution explorer then click on add---->project output.
  • now add project group box appears. here configuration should be (Active) for primary ouputs. now click on ok button.
  • now right click on setup option in solution explorer again and click on Build (Now wait and observe the progress inoutput window).
  • time taken to build depend upon how heavy your project is?
  • now go to the location that you have mentioned in new project dialog box box.
  • now open setup folder then release then open setup.exe.
  • now installation starts observe the location where this project is going to be installed.
  • after intallling it go to the lcation where this project is installed now execute the exe file. (Your project is installed successfully and running, enoy this feature of deployment and setup with VB.NET tooooooooooooo)

Information was extremely helpful (even though I'm working with C++ and MFC) ... thank you so much!!

thanks to use searching function in this forum. :)

I used VB 6.0 very much. There is a provison to compile to EXE file then package and deployment wizard make setup.exe
But I learned VB.Net 2005 programming but I couldn't any way to make a setup program or any alternative to sell my project.

Go to setup wizard from new project and select the specific project that you want to prepare setup

go to the Project Menu and find your [Project Name ] Properties eg. if your project name is aaa , you can see the aaa Properties .
Click aaa Properties and then you can see your project properties window.
Select the Publish Menu at left side. Now you can publish the Setup file for your project to sell.

commented: Answering a post that is 2 years old and already been answered +0

thank you naeem it was very helpful

its not working in other computer in which vb is not install.

>its not working in other computer in which vb is not install.

You need to install appropriate version of the .net framework along with your application.

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