Hey I am doing a program in palindromes.
Don't worry, I dont want any code (I read the sticky). But this is my first semester using it, and my second program. I am having trouble in storing the word from the user. Right now it only stores one character. How can I make it save the entire word? What am I doing wrong?
Should I save the word one letter at a time in a loop so I can make it go in reverse order? Using Pops and Pushes?
I am using Tasm. Here is my code for reference
MSG1 DB ' Enter a word $'
theword db 20 dup( ' '), 0
ItIs DB 'The word is a Palindrome $'
ItIsNot DB 'The word is not a Palindrome $'
lea dx,MSG1 ;addr. of 1st msg
mov ah,9 ;set for str. displ.
int 21H ;call DOS to displ.
mov ah,1 ;set func. to Get
int 21H ;call DOS (val-AL)
mov theword,al ;move input to theword
lea dx,theword ;move the word to dx register
mov ah,9 ;move 9 to ah signaling output
int 21h ;call the interrupt
The current output is that it only allows me to type in one letter. Then the letter is echo'd (with no space in between). And the string that the word is a palindrome
If someone can show me how to have the user entered a string from they keyboard, and how I store it, that will be a big help.