Hey I am doing a program in palindromes.

Don't worry, I dont want any code (I read the sticky). But this is my first semester using it, and my second program. I am having trouble in storing the word from the user. Right now it only stores one character. How can I make it save the entire word? What am I doing wrong?

Should I save the word one letter at a time in a loop so I can make it go in reverse order? Using Pops and Pushes?

I am using Tasm. Here is my code for reference

MSG1     DB      ' Enter a word $'
theword  db      20 dup( ' '), 0
ItIs    DB    'The word is a Palindrome $'
ItIsNot DB    'The word is not a Palindrome $'


       lea  dx,MSG1    ;addr. of 1st msg
       mov  ah,9       ;set for str. displ.
       int  21H        ;call DOS to displ.


         mov  ah,1       ;set func. to Get
         int  21H        ;call DOS (val-AL)


         mov theword,al   ;move input to theword

       lea dx,theword  ;move the word to dx register
       mov ah,9         ;move 9 to ah signaling output
       int 21h           ;call the interrupt

The current output is that it only allows me to type in one letter. Then the letter is echo'd (with no space in between). And the string that the word is a palindrome

If someone can show me how to have the user entered a string from they keyboard, and how I store it, that will be a big help.

OK I figured out how to store string input.
but the output disappears, I want it to stay.


PAGE 56,90
;  file:      Proj2.asm
;  author:    xxxxx
;  date:      04/26/07
; Based on: xxxxx
; ----------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------

.STACK   100H
CR       EQU     0DH ; Carriage Return Code
LF       EQU     0AH ; Line Feed Control Code
DOSEXIT  EQU     4CH ; DOS exit code for 21h int

para_list LABEL BYTE
max_len db 20
act_len db ?
theword db 20 DUP(' ')
MSG1     DB      'Enter a word $'

ItIs    DB    'The word is a Palindrome $'
ItIsNot DB    'The word is not a Palindrome $'

; --------- End of Data Segment ----------
Main   PROC

;   The routine performs basic 
;   "housekeeping" operations necessary in
;   any Assembly Language Program running
;   under DOS or Windows...
;     1 - Establish Addressability to the
;         Data Segment of the program.


       mov  ax,@data   ;get addr. of DSeg.
       mov  ds,ax      ;set in DS Reg.
;   Routine "GetPut" will...
;     1 - Display prompt message.
;     2 - capture user provided ASCII
;         letter (located in AL register).
;     3 - Convert the letter to it's decimal
;      equivalent.
;     4 - Display the converted letter within
;     an "echoing" message.

       lea  dx,MSG1    ;addr. of 1st msg
       mov  ah,9h       ;set for str. displ.
       int  21H        ;call DOS to displ.

         mov  ah,0Ah       ;set func. to Get String
         lea DX,Para_list    ;load address of para list
         int  21H        ;call DOS (val-AL)

         mov theword,al   ;move input to theword
     lea dx,theword
           mov ah,9
            int 21h
;   The routine sets the exit code and 
;   calls DOS.  This is the appropriate
;   technique for terminating a non-
;   resident program running under DOS.

       mov  ah,DOSEXIT ;set Exit code
       int  21H        ;and call DOS
Main EndP
       End  Main

Now I need an idea of how to check if it is an palindrome or not.

For some reason it is writing it backwards, but it skips the first letter. If I enter georgios, it will display 'soigroe'.
Any idea why it is skipping the first letter?


PAGE 56,90
;  file:      Proj2.asm
;  date:      04/26/07
; ----------------------------------------
;    This program will take a name entered by the user
;    and display it backwards. It will also tell the
;    user whether the word is a palindrome or not.
; ----------------------------------------

.STACK   100H
CR       EQU     0DH ; Carriage Return Code
LF       EQU     0AH ; Line Feed Control Code
DOSEXIT  EQU     4CH ; DOS exit code for 21h int

para_list LABEL BYTE
max_len db 20
act_len db ?
theword db 20 DUP(' ')
MSG1     DB      'Enter a word $'

ItIs    DB    'The word is a Palindrome $'
ItIsNot DB    'The word is not a Palindrome $'
MSG2    DB     'The word backwards is $'
wordbw DB 12 DUP(20H),'$'          

; --------- End of Data Segment ----------
Main   PROC

;   The routine performs basic 
;   "housekeeping" operations necessary in
;   any Assembly Language Program running
;   under DOS or Windows...
;     1 - Establish Addressability to the
;         Data Segment of the program.


       mov  ax,@data   ;get addr. of DSeg.
       mov  ds,ax      ;set in DS Reg.
;   Routine "GetPut" will...
;     1 - Display prompt message.
;     2 - capture user provided ASCII
;         letter (located in AL register).
;     3 - Convert the letter to it's decimal
;      equivalent.
;     4 - Display the converted letter within
;     an "echoing" message.

       lea  dx,MSG1    ;addr. of 1st msg
       mov  ah,9h       ;set for str. displ.
       int  21H        ;call DOS to displ.
           mov ah, 06h
           mov al,00h
        int 10h

         mov  ah,0Ah       ;set func. to Get String
         lea DX,Para_list    ;load address of para list
         int  21H        ;call DOS (val-AL)

            mov theword,al   ;move input to theword
   ;Clear Screen         
     mov ax,0600h
     mov bh,07
     mov cx,0000
     mov dx,184fh
     int 10h
     ;Clear Screen


 MOV CX,20
 LEA SI,theword
 LEA DI,wordbw+11
     MOV [DI],AL
     DEC DI
     LOOP L20
;Clear Screen
       mov ax,0600h
       mov bh,07
       mov cx,0000
       mov dx,184fh
       int 10h
;Clear Screen
       lea dx, wordbw
       mov ah,9
       int 21h

;   The routine sets the exit code and 
;   calls DOS.  This is the appropriate
;   technique for terminating a non-
;   resident program running under DOS.

       mov  ah,DOSEXIT ;set Exit code
       int  21H        ;and call DOS

Main EndP
       End  Main
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