The following is the code that i have... please let me know where i hv gone wrong...

Set Application = CreateObject("crystal.crpe.application")
Set Report = Application.OpenReport("d:\swati\mahalaxmi\reports\ClientList.rpt")
Report.Preview "Client List", 0, 0, 1200, 1200


CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = "c:\arif\r1.rpt" ' file location
CrystalReport1.Connect = "Provider=MSDAORA,1;UserID=scott;PWD=tiger;dsn=arif"

that code u can use but u need to use crystal report 8 or 8.5. a components will require that is crystal32.ocx. when u installed crystal report it will automatically in ur components list or system32 directory.
ok use it and fun.
reply me

I tried with ur code but it didn't work..

When i try the debugger mode (in VB) i can see the window but it closes in a sec... are there some kind of settings to be done in crystal reports.

I am using Crystal Reports 8.5



CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = "c:\arif\r1.rpt" ' file location
CrystalReport1.Connect = "Provider=MSDAORA,1;UserID=scott;PWD=tiger;dsn=arif"

that code u can use but u need to use crystal report 8 or 8.5. a components will require that is crystal32.ocx. when u installed crystal report it will automatically in ur components list or system32 directory.
ok use it and fun.
reply me

hello swatirao,
from where did u download crystal report 8.5? plz let me know. i've been searching for it since a very long time. plz reply soon.

CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = "c:\arif\r1.rpt" ' file location
CrystalReport1.Connect = "Provider=MSDAORA,1;UserID=scott;PWD=tiger;dsn=arif"

that code u can use but u need to use crystal report 8 or 8.5. a components will require that is crystal32.ocx. when u installed crystal report it will automatically in ur components list or system32 directory.
ok use it and fun.
reply me

Thanks for posting this info but this does not work when I applied over to my application. It does not recognise the "connect" and "reportfilename" objects. instead I used

CRViewer91.ReportSource = "c:\crystalreport.rpt" ' file location
CRViewer91.Container = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=test;Data Source=develop"

but still it doesnt work, it says Type Mismatch. Then I changed the value from ReportSource to ViewReport - Still now luck came up with an error message "Assignment to Constant not Permitted". I am not sure where I should be able to find crystal32.ocx as I have searched for it on my pc and I could not find it, although I have added number of coms into vb such as "CRviewer" "OCX".

Could you please help me and explain where should I put the code and how to get the ocx file? Where am I doing wrong?

Many Thanks

I am using jet oledb provider which removes the dependancy on the DSN...
The following lines are in the module.

Public Application As New CRPEAuto.Application
Public Report As New CRPEAuto.Report

Public Sub ConInit()
Dim hh As String
' hh = App.Path + "\MIS"
hh = "d:\MIS\CommonDB.mdb"
If CN.State = adStateClosed Then
CN.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & hh & ""
End If
End Sub

Coninit is called wherever I need to access the database..

The following lines... where u call the report...
Screen.MousePointer = 11
Set Application = CreateObject("crystal.crpe.application")
Set Report = Application.OpenReport("d:\mis\reports\PrintQuotation.rpt")
'' Report.ParameterFields("mArea").SetCurrentValue mArea
Report.Preview "Quotation", 100, 100, 800, 500
Screen.MousePointer = 0

U need to include the following Crystal Reports components in ur project..

controls :
crystal report control
crystal report viewer control

designer :
crystal report 8.5

include references as follows :
crystal report viewer control
crystal report engine 8 object library
crystal report 8.5 activex designer runtime library
crystal report 8.5 activex designer design & runtime library
crystal data object
crystal reports 8.5 library

Try this if it works

best of luck


Thanks for posting this info but this does not work when I applied over to my application. It does not recognise the "connect" and "reportfilename" objects. instead I used

CRViewer91.ReportSource = "c:\crystalreport.rpt" ' file location
CRViewer91.Container = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=test;Data Source=develop"

but still it doesnt work, it says Type Mismatch. Then I changed the value from ReportSource to ViewReport - Still now luck came up with an error message "Assignment to Constant not Permitted". I am not sure where I should be able to find crystal32.ocx as I have searched for it on my pc and I could not find it, although I have added number of coms into vb such as "CRviewer" "OCX".

Could you please help me and explain where should I put the code and how to get the ocx file? Where am I doing wrong?

Many Thanks

I am using jet oledb provider which removes the dependancy on the DSN...
The following lines are in the module.

Public Application As New CRPEAuto.Application
Public Report As New CRPEAuto.Report

Public Sub ConInit()
Dim hh As String
' hh = App.Path + "\MIS"
hh = "d:\MIS\CommonDB.mdb"
If CN.State = adStateClosed Then
CN.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & hh & ""
End If
End Sub

Coninit is called wherever I need to access the database..

The following lines... where u call the report...
Screen.MousePointer = 11
Set Application = CreateObject("crystal.crpe.application")
Set Report = Application.OpenReport("d:\mis\reports\PrintQuotation.rpt")
'' Report.ParameterFields("mArea").SetCurrentValue mArea
Report.Preview "Quotation", 100, 100, 800, 500
Screen.MousePointer = 0

U need to include the following Crystal Reports components in ur project..

controls :
crystal report control
crystal report viewer control

designer :
crystal report 8.5

include references as follows :
crystal report viewer control
crystal report engine 8 object library
crystal report 8.5 activex designer runtime library
crystal report 8.5 activex designer design & runtime library
crystal data object
crystal reports 8.5 library

Try this if it works

best of luck


Hello and Morning Swati,

Thanks for your kind help, I have managed to create the crystal report. Now I want to create an application where different department staff members can choose different catagerories to create their own reports. This way our IT department wouldn't have to create reports for them.

Have you done anything like that before? or you simply create reports yourself?

Many thanks for the help once more:D

Kind Regards


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