Ok im trying to grab the information


<input type="text" name="

and before

" value="">

so that it only grabs the information name="" holds

Any one offer assistance as to how i do this?

Also, in other programming languages, for instance mIRC coding

if i wanted to check if "Some line" is in a Variable

id use

if "Some line" isin %tempvar {

how do u do it in VB?

instr can be used for both your problems.

Syntax: INSTR([start], fullstring, findstring, [compare])

start is an optional integer parameter that specifies which character to start the search at (the default is the first)

fullstring is the string to be searched

findstring is the value you are looking for

compare and optional indicator that is vbBinaryCompare or vbTextCompare, text is the default

The return value will be the character at which findstring is found, or 0 if it's not

InstrRev is also useful, as the name suggests it searches from the end of the string towards the beginning

instr can be used for both your problems.

Syntax: INSTR([start], fullstring, findstring, [compare])

start is an optional integer parameter that specifies which character to start the search at (the default is the first)

fullstring is the string to be searched

findstring is the value you are looking for

compare and optional indicator that is vbBinaryCompare or vbTextCompare, text is the default

The return value will be the character at which findstring is found, or 0 if it's not

InstrRev is also useful, as the name suggests it searches from the end of the string towards the beginning

but i meant an example like for instance how to get the ticker?

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